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By Vansh Pandit

2 months ago
Donald Trump controversies
Trump has been in the public limelight since operating as a business tycoon and even as a polarising president of America.
By Vansh Pandit

2 months ago
US President Donald Trump Appoints Vivek Ramaswamy in his team
Donald Trump: the master of shock politics is not something new in today’s political scenario.
By Vansh Pandit

3 months ago
How India's relation will change with US in Trump Presidency?
As Trump returns to the White House, the two countries' friendship is likely to shift, influenced by the presidents' agendas.
By Vansh Pandit

3 months ago
Donald Trump's Victory in the US Election 2024: 47th President of the US
Whether you supported him or not, one thing is clear: the next chapter in American politics is about to be written and far from dull.

11 months ago
United States presidential election 2024
The 2024 United States presidential election will be the 60th quadrennial presidential election, scheduled for Tuesday, November 5, 2024. Let's see more!

one year ago
Biden's Assertive Response to Special Counsel Critique on Memory Strength
The White House on Friday blasted a report from a Department of Justice special counsel that suggested President Joe Biden was suffering memory lapses.

2 years ago
Cheney says January 6 committee could make multiple criminal referrals
The January 6 committee faces a will they or won't they moment. The former White House Deputy Chief of Staff, Tony Ornato, is at the centre of that question.

3 years ago
Donald Trump's Social Media Ban!
Facebook’s Oversight Board postponed their verdict on whether former US President of the United States, Donald Trump can access his Facebook and Instagram once.

4 years ago
Washington is demented with exactly how embarrassing Mr. Trump’s departure will be, with another impeachment, with the 25th Amendment entreated, with his depart

4 years ago
Consideration has been raised concerning where President Donald Trump will be on the last day of his session. Trump's plane is scheduled to fly to Scotland.

4 years ago
Joseph Robinette Biden, as Joe Biden (born on November 20, 1942, Scranton, Pennsylvania, United States.), 47th Vice President of the United States (2009–17).

4 years ago
Kamala Devi Harris, is the first-ever Indian-origin, woman Vice-President of the US. Harris has been a growing lead in Democratic politics for two decades.

4 years ago
During the presidential election of 2020, Trump faced a loss by his Democratic contender, former vice-president Mr. Joe Biden, Much drama and Controversies.
By Zainab Abbas

4 years ago
The Euphoric winning of Biden
The winning of Biden proved how joyous the internet can be if something good happens in a while. 2020 may not be that bad after considering the election result

4 years ago
Donald Trump Roams Freely Despite Corona Infection ! : Is This The Way ?
US President Donald Trump, who is undergoing treatment for Coronavirus, came out of the hospital for a while to meet his supporters. On Sunday, Trump came out o

4 years ago
Who Are Proud Boys Group Of USA ?
In November, there was a debate between incumbent President Donald Trump and his rival Joe Biden in view of the US presidential election. It mentioned Proud Boy

4 years ago
Donald Trump's Corona Infection & Doom's Day Plan
Just a month before the presidential elections, Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump were confirmed to be infected with Corona. With this, the US Defense M

4 years ago
Why Donald Trump Is The Twitter President
From becoming a builder under the shadow of a father to becoming the President of the US, Donald Trump has adopted the 'Survival of the fittest' policy of safeg

4 years ago
Joe Biden Vs Donald Trump Debate #1 : Key Highlights To Know
Political enthusiasts have now reached their peak regarding the US presidential election. The first official presidential debate between President Donald Trump

4 years ago
Is USA Wasting Corona Relief Fund Money On Buying Defense Weapons ?
In America, the number of coronavirus in America has reached above 71 lakhs. In the country standing at the top in terms of infection, even after this, negligen

4 years ago
Ricin Poison Sent To Donald Trump Is Far More Dangerous Than Cyanide
The accused is accused of sending poisoned letters to US President Donald Trump. Let me tell you that a week ago, the White House seized a parcel full of poison

4 years ago
Why Arab Foes Becoming Friends With Israel ?
Every successive Arab country is befriending Israel. All these friendships are being hosted by US President Donald Trump. Arab countries' friendship with Israel

4 years ago
Donald Trump: About Him & His Childhood
Donald Trump's story is non-standard. He was not a poor guy who had dreamed of getting out of poverty all his life. Since his birth, Trump has been a millionair

4 years ago
Prophet Professor Of Harvard Predicts Donald Trump's Loss, Does It Matter?
'Joe Biden will defeat Donald Trump in the upcoming election.' No, we are not saying this, but this prediction has been made by the person who has been predicti

4 years ago
Why Is China Backing Joe Biden For US President ?
Trump is constantly attacking his opposition leader Dow Biden regarding the US presidential elections. In particular, they are surrounding Biden's China policy.

4 years ago
Donald Trump Eyeing Indian American Vote Bank
US presidential elections 2020 is entering its next stage which is getting hotter and hotter day by day. Whether it is the Republican Party (GOP) or it is the D

4 years ago
UAE And Israel Are Now Friends Thanks To USA
There is a big development which has taken place in the middle east., Now once enemies United Arab Emirates and Israel have decided to end 5-decade long enmity.

4 years ago
From Richard Nixon To Donald Trump, USA''s Changing Political Mirage
It is known as 'The Week that Changed the World' in America. The idea turned 49 this July, based on mistakes and idiots. On June 30, 1971, then US President Ric

4 years ago
Even Donald Trump Is Not Safe, Twice Assassination Attempts Suspected
Even the most high profile and heavily secured head of the state in the world, USA President Donald Trump is not safe. He has just faced twice assassination att

4 years ago
Donald Trump and Bihar Assembly Elections 2020 : What's The Connection About ?
If the thing gets along with the talk, then it gets power. The opposition now has the power to trump by not holding elections in Bihar. US President Donald Trum
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