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By Aslan yaqoob

one year ago
Unveiling the Mysteries of Earth's Core:
The heart of our planet, concealed beneath lots of kilometers of rock and molten steel, stays an enigma that has interested scientists for many years.

one year ago
Telangana Became the First State to Have a First 3D-Printed Temple
Recently, the Indian statе of Tеlangana has еtchеd its name in history by becoming the first to construct a 3D-printеd tеmplе
By Drishan Vig

one year ago
Explore the controversies between science and indian methodology
Science and Indian methodology have been the topic of many controversies over the years. While science relies on empirical evidence and experimentation
By Drishan Vig

2 years ago
How science explains the religion in a different way
The relationship between science and religion has been a topic of debate for centuries. While some argue that the two are fundamentally incompatible
By Drishan Vig

2 years ago
The science behind the Indian temples- 2023 view
The construction of Indian temples was not just a matter of aesthetics but also involved intricate scientific calculations and planning.

3 years ago
United States First Ever Pluto Return 2022
The planet Pluto is about to return and every people is expecting some big changes as the US remember the day when Pluto lost its rendition and now it came back

3 years ago
Cinnamon: Mystic powers of a minute ingredient
the view will be covering the famous herb Cinnamon which is also used in every household and there are various benefits as this is anti cancerous, anti oxiodant

3 years ago
Aliens contacting humans? Researchers found an unusual signal thrice in an hour
the view covers the new discovered wave found by Natasha, a Researchers including others, signal comes thrice in an hour having a large magnetic field

3 years ago
Earth is going to face the Sixth Mass Extinction
a view covering the topic of new sixth mass extinction going to face by earth, the earlier five was the unaffected to humans but this one is expected to affect

3 years ago
Earth's interior is cooling faster than expected, study notes
view covers the news of earth's cooling internally and the one found metal bridgmanite is now have 1.5 times higher thermal conductivity than expected

3 years ago
Sirisha Bandla Indian Born Astronaut Flew On Virgin Galactic
this view is telling about the space journey of an Indian born women which is a vice president of Virgin Galactic Mission and recieved congratulation by all
By Anushree Dey

3 years ago
Hubble spots water vapour on Jupiter's Moon
NASA got a trace of water vapour on Ganymede - the largest natural moon in the solar system. Researchers to find out more on how these celestial bodies evolved.

3 years ago
Our expectation living on the planet Mars has conquered again, as NASA's Ingenuity helicopter which able to fly 350 feet in the south found an unusual fresh...

3 years ago
The leading solar eclipse of the year 2021 happened to occur this Thursday, June 10. Citizens of a few nations in the Northern Hemisphere were quite lucky to...

3 years ago
Jeff Bezos, the billionaire and the richest man on the planet earth needs a ride away from it. I mean this money earning human machine is set to shoot into...
4 years ago
Hans Lippershey- The Original Inventor Of Telescope
The telescope was invented by a person whose name is hardly known. Most believe that this invention was done by Galileo Galili of Greece. While this is the wron
4 years ago
Why Car Does Not Run On Water ?
Many times this question comes to mind why our vehicles cannot run with water. Why petrol and diesel are needed to run them. Surely, if a vehicle runs with ener
4 years ago
Can Time Travel Ever Be Done ?
Can time travel be done? Although this question may be imaginary to ordinary people, physicists have been looking for answers to this question for many years. O
4 years ago
This Norway Company Turns Desert Into Farmland Within Hours
With the help of technology, the deserts of Dubai are going to stroll through the green fields. Yes, a Norwegian company has started this experiment in the barr
4 years ago
Indian Brain Vs Chinese Brain- In Figures
Some time ago, under an experiment, researchers formulated the Indian brain atlas for the first time. A comparison of this digital image of the brain with the C
4 years ago
Titanic Did Not Sank Due To Iceberg !
The incident of Titanic, the world's largest ship of its time, is very famous. It is believed that the ship collided with an iceberg ie a huge piece of ice and
4 years ago
World's Oldest Sperm Found Here
Paleontologists spend a lot of time looking for fossils (fossils) of animals and other organisms. But very rarely or simply say that fortunately, they can get t
4 years ago
Understanding Science Behind "Supercool Water"
There is no such thing as water in the world. Apart from its importance in life, it has many such characteristics as a substance which are rarely in any substan
4 years ago
Australia Believe This Tree Can Make The Best Painkillers
Whenever Poison is talked about, poisonous animals like snakes, scorpions come into our minds. The poison of these creatures is also a cure for poison.
4 years ago
Marine Debris Changing Climate Of Earth
In the last few years, research on the climate of Earth has increased. Climate change and signs of global warming becoming dangerous day by day have deepened th
4 years ago
Now It's Possible To Predict Properties Of Any Molecule
Physicists have made a unique discovery in chemistry, under which they will be able to get information about the properties of any molecule before it is formed.
4 years ago
From Where Water Came First On Earth, Scientists Have An Idea About It
How water came to Earth is a very important question for our scientists. The reason for this is that the most important question related to this question is how
4 years ago
Unconscious Learning Related To Faith In God
There are many types of mental skills in the world. Some can do fast calculations, some are very good observations. There are many studies on people with unique
4 years ago
Why Some Memories Stay On For Long ?
Humans keep many things memorized for themselves forever. But if he is unable to remember some things even after wanting, then he has to try to remember many th
4 years ago
Let's Know About Marijuana Drugs
In the case of Bollywood actor Sushant Singh Rajput, it has been mentioned that he often used hemp. An assistant working in his house gave this to the police. D
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