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31-Jan-2022 , Updated on 1/31/2022 6:22:22 AM
Aliens contacting humans? Researchers found an unusual signal thrice in an hour
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Our Universe is full of incredible mysteries and it always showed some parts of its proof.
I always used to think whenever I look at the sky at night which has countless stars and deep blackness, who lives there? And what is there? Many discoveries proved that there is the presence of any other livings in the different parts of the universe. Mars planet has always been the top priority in such discussion and the search for water also leads to much-revealed information. NASA, the American Space Agency on multiple occasions has released disguise information related to outer space humans. The research on the topic is going on by several universities in the world.
Recently something unusual happened in the Universe which has been recorded by a team that was mapping radio waves in the Universe. The International Center for Radio Astronomy Research (ICRAR) has released a statement in which it told that something unusual happened this week in the Universe in which an Unusual Object has released a giant burst of energy thrice in an hour. The astronomers who discovered such a phenomenon have the opinion that the object could be a neutron star or collapsed cores of the star that has an Ultra Powerful.
Dr. Natasha Hurley Walker is an Astrophysicist of Curtin University lead the team that has discovered such an object in Universe from which a Radio Wave having an Ultra Magnetic Field in it was released from an unknown object in the universe. That was among the brightest sources of radio waves in the sky. The wave was coming for one minute over every 20 minutes.
Dr. Natasha also told that the object of the source was such as it was appearing and disappearing over a few hours, she told about it as it was completely unexpected and “Spooky” for all the people including in the team because such phenomenon is beyond everyone’s knowledge. The position of the object that has been revealed by the team is very near which is 4,000 lightyears from earth.
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The object itself was discovered by Tyrone Doherty who was the then Honors student at Curtin University and currently studying Ph.D. at the University. The object was discovered with the help of the Murchison Array (MWA) Telescope and he also included its new technology that he has developed.
The object that was the source has been named as ‘Ultra-long period magnetar’ and the scientist Natasha also revealed it is a slow-spinning neutron star. This discovery is found to be the most mysterious discovery in all because the object was only before read as only in the books and also early it was believed that it is not possible to be as brighter as this is.
The research has revealed that the object is converting the magnetic energy into Radio waves. This is not the first time when an object is sourcing such a wave in the universe but this newly discovered object is converting the magnetic energy to radio waves as no other object can be.
The discovery is assumed to be a thread of whole well and the scientists are continuously looking there if there is any other object similar to it. There are also many possibilities that there is a number are people who are in search of us.
The research on Aliens of Universe has been conducted many times by NASA and many other country’s space agencies which also gave a positive result and many evidence are found with the help of which the scientist is still doing research. An Agency based in the US also has been in the discussion whose an EX officer has told the news official about the working of the agency which includes something unexpected. He told that there is an alien which has been living in a hidden place and no one had any access to that place. the agency has never revealed any information about it and that's why it is still a rumor but we also know such rumors may be true is revealed.
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