Now It's Possible To Predict Properties Of Any Molecule


Now It's Possible To Predict Properties Of Any Molecule

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Physicists have made a unique discovery in chemistry, under which they will be able to get information about the properties of any molecule before it is formed. The special feature of this method is that for this, scientists will not have to do any chemical reaction. This discovery is considered important for many branches of science.

A team of researchers led by Rashid Leviev, Associate Professor of Physics at Tomsk State University (TSU), have created a model that can calculate the photophysical characteristics of molecules. This model can work on any kind of molecules, even it works on the least-found lanthanides category of molecules on Earth. 

Based on theoretical calculations without any experiments, we can study molecules that emit infrared, visible, even ultraviolet rays. This makes it possible to predict these characteristics even before these molecules are formed. This costs a lot less than making those molecules. 

Due to the anharmonicity effect, this model can predict the properties of molecules before they are formed. Physical chemistry has been published in the journal Chemical Physics in an article about this new model. 

Due to the anharmonicity effect, this model can predict the properties of molecules before they are formed. Physical chemistry has been published in the journal Chemical Physics in an article about this new model. 

The photophysical and photochemical characteristics of molecules are known in many fields of physics, chemistry and biology. It is particularly used in the development of organic LED (OLED) structures.

This helps the gadgets in durability and shiny display. Along with this, this photo is also useful for photosensitizers in the work of dynamic therapy in which it has to make oxidizing agents that kill cancer cells effectively. 

Similarly, the calculation of the lifetime of molecules in the electronic state of excitation is necessary for astrophysics and astrochemistry. Here this model can prove to be very effective. This would be very useful for predicting the efficacy of dye lasers. This is to increase the efficiency of solar cells, it will also be helpful to predict the effectiveness of charge transfer and separation of charge. 

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Physicists have found this universal model useful for all kinds of molecules. Because of this, they are said to have an anharmonicity effect. This effect was first applied in two-dimensional or three-dimensional molecules. But in areas such as photophysics and photochemistry, very large molecules are used, which include tens of atoms. For this reason, no correct mathematical model was used for this till now. 

The effect of inharmonicity occurs when the vibrations of atoms in molecules are very strong and the energy is very high. In this case, the vibrations of the atoms cannot be interpreted correctly by harmonic proximity, so it was necessary to bring this deviation.

The need to include the anharmonicity effect was necessary at the time of calculating the characteristics of the molecules. This was especially important with blue and ultraviolet rays because their vibrations have a lot of energy.

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