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By Vansh Pandit

3 months ago
Failure of the Government on the Education System of India
India, a nation with a rich history and a bright future, is facing a critical challenge: the deficiency of its education system.
By Vansh Pandit

5 months ago
My Opinions on the Indian Education System
The issue of the Indian education system has been a hot topic of discussion.

one year ago
Uttarakhand Assembly Passes 'Uniform Civil Code' Bill, comes First State To Do So
Uttarakhand has become the 1st state in the country to implement the Uniform Civil Code. CM said that the it was prepared in accordance with the Constitution.
By Shruti Parna

2 years ago
How history is connected to us and what is its aim, concept?
History is something that each and every person should know about it. History connects our present with past and with upcoming future.

3 years ago
Offbeat Education
With the all-India 10 and 12 results coming right up in 2021, we need to grab eyeballs over the trendy system of education these days. Is it all glitters?

4 years ago
How Government Agencies Foiled Hacker Group Cyberattack Plan In Covid-19
Large scale cyber attacks were attempted in the country during Covid-19. The banking sector in particular was targeted by hackers. Apart from finance, departmen
By Palak Anjum

4 years ago
Aatma Nirbhar Bharat:(PM Narendra Modi )
It is compulsory for all the parents to educate their child properly and make them aatma nirbhar. Education or a educated person can change the world.

4 years ago
Types Of Subsidy We Need To Know
You must have heard someone spelling the word subsidy at some time or the other. After listening to the word, it comes to our mind that what is this subsidy wor

4 years ago
The unlock 1.0
The Unlock is not a clear sign of getting relaxed over the lethal virus which is killing in thousands daily. Unlock is to fill your home with essentials.

4 years ago
Patience Is The Key During Coronavirus Pandemic
The latest statement of the World Health Organization (WHO) states that coronavirus cannot be taken lightly.

4 years ago
Sonia Gandhi Takes U-Turn For Politics
Taking U-turn is the ultimate DNA trait of all Indian National Congress party leaders who once to be placed as positive say that they are with t

4 years ago
Digvijay Singh Is The Man Behind Kamal Nath Government Downfall
The Kamal Nath government proved it's majority three times during it's tiring and tough regime with two and a half months moral code of conduct implemented due

4 years ago
Joblessness Is An Intense Issue Which Needs To Be Addressed
Joblessness is an intense issue in India as well as in the entire world. There are hundreds and thousands of individuals out there who don't have a job.

5 years ago
Is Reservation System is good or bad ?
Reservation in India, reservation in government jobs, reservation in educational institutes and even elections. So, what is the impact of reservation?

5 years ago
UPA Government Unsupportive to ISRO
Delay in the achievement of targets is not the fault of Indian Scientists rather the fault of the UPA government and its policy differences.

5 years ago
Apart from Cricket Other Sports also require Attention
The Government, Media, and Advertising Agencies need to shift their focus over other sports apart from Cricket, as India is excelling at International level.

6 years ago
Hindi Oxford Dictionary Recognizes “Nari Shakti”
The addition of word “Nari Shakti” in Hindi Oxford Dictionary is doing justification with its actions as well.

6 years ago
A Pool of Schemes Yet Not Benefiting All
You will be amazed to hear that, at present, about 900 government schemes are actively working for the upliftment of public. Yes, it is true. 900 s

6 years ago
OMG…Is it a Government School?
Education holds the key to Economic Growth, Social Transformation, Modernization and National Integration. All these terms are very well followed and

6 years ago
Defecation in open: A leading cause of assaults
So, I woke up in the morning and I read this….. Two village girls who went to relieve themselves early in the morning went missing and after a sear

6 years ago
Why the use of sanitary pads a Taboo in our country?
Recently while watching television I saw an advertisement and I found it really interesting. So yeah it was about sanitary pads…. In the advertis

6 years ago
Be a nice citizen because it doesn't cost you a single penny...!
There are all types of citizens in a society, country or nation - very good, good, bad and very bad. Good and ideal citizens make the country power-r

6 years ago
India, Government, Economy and a dream of becoming a superpower nation....!
To become a superpower country, first of all, it is important that India become a big power. The big power in international relations is called th

6 years ago
Government going to get tough on road safety rules....!
Now driving vehicles in an alcoholic state or talking on mobile can prove to be expensive for you. As to curb road accidents, the government is going

6 years ago
Smart Cities Reality or Dream?
In the approach of the Smart Cities Mission, the goal was to advance urban communities that give a center framework and give an average personal sati

6 years ago
Poverty: The Worst form of silence....!
India is one of the most invaded places in the world throughout the recorded history. When you have too many invasions and fallen kingdoms every 100
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