2024 as the Warmest Year on Record: How UN Will Deal with Climate Change?

3 months ago

2024 as the Warmest Year on Record: How UN Will Deal with Climate Change?

What will the UN actually do about this hardly enviable climate picture and how can the UN’s actions truly global?

Cyclone Dana: Highlighting the Latest Update

4 months ago

Cyclone Dana: Highlighting the Latest Update

Dana is not any storm; it is a cyclone wind probable to gust up to 120 km/h, which is disastrous concerning those in the storm’s direct impact zone.

Why is nature important for our future

2 years ago

Why is nature important for our future

Nature is arguably the most important thing on Earth. We rely on it for our sustenance, our air, and our sense of beauty. But why is nature so important for our

Volcanic catastrophe in Spain: Cumbre Vieja volcano

3 years ago

Volcanic catastrophe in Spain: Cumbre Vieja volcano

Spain has been hit by volcano Cumbre Vieja since September 21. The islands have been hit by volcanic eruptions and molten lava proceeding towards the seashore.

The $100 billion deal is not the ceiling but only the floor.

3 years ago

The $100 billion deal is not the ceiling but only the floor.

In the Paris Agreement, it was decided that the developed nations would fund the developing ones with $100 billion to fight the climate change, but all in vain!

Hubble spots water vapour on Jupiter's Moon

3 years ago

Hubble spots water vapour on Jupiter's Moon

NASA got a trace of water vapour on Ganymede - the largest natural moon in the solar system. Researchers to find out more on how these celestial bodies evolved.

Europe is flowing: Torrential Downpour
natural disaster

3 years ago

Europe is flowing: Torrential Downpour

Europe is experiencing the most catastrophic flooding in centuries from 3-4 days. What does it indicate- Mass extinction? Climate change? Let us find out.

Swaps for Sustainability

3 years ago

Swaps for Sustainability

This article talks about Eco-Friendly Swaps one must adopt into their lifestyle to save the planet Earth as it's time we understand the value of sustainability

How the planet Earth reacted back to what we threw at it

3 years ago

How the planet Earth reacted back to what we threw at it

"Every action has equal and opposite reaction".This law of Newton fits quite appropriately to the current state of our plant Earth. Read this piece to know more

Eco-Friendly Landscaping Ideas for Yard and Home Garden

3 years ago

Eco-Friendly Landscaping Ideas for Yard and Home Garden

This is the perfect time to make an environment friendly landscape in your yard. As daily increases in pollution which is creating a healthy environment for us.

World Rivers Day 2020 : Time To Recognize These Water Bodies

4 years ago

World Rivers Day 2020 : Time To Recognize These Water Bodies

World Rivers Day, ie World River Day, is celebrated every year on the fourth Sunday of September. The purpose of this day declared by the United Nations is to s

Greenhouse Emission Leading To Rising Sea Levels

4 years ago

Greenhouse Emission Leading To Rising Sea Levels

If the emission of greenhouse gases in the world continues to increase like this, by the end of this century, the global water level of oceans will increase by

Marine Debris Changing Climate Of Earth

4 years ago

Marine Debris Changing Climate Of Earth

In the last few years, research on the climate of Earth has increased. Climate change and signs of global warming becoming dangerous day by day have deepened th

Trees Are Dying With Rise In CO2 Level

4 years ago

Trees Are Dying With Rise In CO2 Level

Trees that grow fast and die in their young age, due to this, a high amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) is released. This observation is challenging the notion that

New Himalaya Action Policy Needed

4 years ago

New Himalaya Action Policy Needed

The promises with which the NDA came to power in May 2014, led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, included the announcement to set up a separate university on the

Earth Overshoot Day Teaches This About Environment

4 years ago

Earth Overshoot Day Teaches This About Environment

When Earth Overshoot Day is celebrated on 22 August each we embrace the ecology of the earth. It is the day of the year when we have consumed all the resources

Greenhouse Effect On Environment

4 years ago

Greenhouse Effect On Environment

The atmosphere on the earth acts as the surface of the greenhouse. 31 percent of the light rays coming from the Sun, is reverted from the surface of the Earth a

Plastic engulfing Earth

4 years ago

Plastic engulfing Earth

Plastic engulfs the earth in many ways in which one way is it is polluting the natural habitat for species living in the water feeling suffocated.

Lonar Lake Turning Red Again

4 years ago

Lonar Lake Turning Red Again

The color of the water of the Lonar lake of Maharashtra has changed to pink overnight. Experts are assuming this due to salinity and the presence of algae in th

This Coronavirus Pandemic Which Will Help Us Understand Climate Better

4 years ago

This Coronavirus Pandemic Which Will Help Us Understand Climate Better

Securities exchanges far and wide had a portion of their most noticeably awful presentation in decades this previous week,

Humans Need To Earth During Coronavirus Pandemic

4 years ago

Humans Need To Earth During Coronavirus Pandemic

It is just normal to be agitated with the idea of being secured in the house. In any case, lockdown is an important advance.

Environment bliss weds nuptial bliss

5 years ago

Environment bliss weds nuptial bliss

From deforestation to global warming we are taking small steps daily to enhance speed of deterioration of the Earth.

Finding The Very Bottom Of An Antarctic Glacier

5 years ago

Finding The Very Bottom Of An Antarctic Glacier

Glaciers just seem to be melting all the time and we just talk about the problem and solutions but where is the tacking place?

Dia Mirza - Cries Just For Fame ?

5 years ago

Dia Mirza - Cries Just For Fame ?

The opportunity was for Jaipur Literature Festival and the flop Bollywood actress Diya Mirza, who does not know any real issue started talking about the environ

Time to Make Climate Change a Vote Bank

5 years ago

Time to Make Climate Change a Vote Bank

India’s governing style towards its people, and ways to find solutions to their problems, always and likely will be decided on the stigma of securing votes ....

Conquering Nature causing Traffic Jam

5 years ago

Conquering Nature causing Traffic Jam

The Adventure Tourism is becoming a matter of concern not only for the visitors but also for the Atmosphere.

We Are Breathing Poison

5 years ago

We Are Breathing Poison

Seven of the top 10 most polluted cities in the world are in India

Ekla Chalo Re...
social issues

6 years ago

Ekla Chalo Re...

A daily busy and hectic schedule results in no time for a healthy workout and eating habits, it makes me worried about my health. In a short span