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6 years ago
‘No Fail’ Policy: Failing its Purpose
Equal and quality education for each child is a very good initiative of government for the bright future of the country.

6 years ago
Transformation in Human Nature Culture
The Human Nature and Culture have Transformed in the last few decades, and it’s been accepted by all. This transformation gives a bright future to the country.

6 years ago
Does Digital Marketing Engulfs Traditional Marketing?
Digital Marketing is widely used because of wide reach and cheap as compared to Traditional Marketing.

6 years ago
Failure is not the End of Life
Live your life to the fullest, success and failure are part of it. Just learn to face any situation bravely and confidently.

6 years ago
Discrimination: Don’t Judge with Persons Attire
Treating badly a person just on the basis of his attire comes under the category of a type of Discrimination.

6 years ago
Encroachment Issues
Encroachment of land and property is an illegal offense. So to maintain that government takes time-to-time preventive measures to minimize the issues.

6 years ago
‘NO’ is a Complete Sentence
You have to learn to say NO without feeling guilty. Setting boundaries are healthy. You need to learn to respect and take care of yourself.

6 years ago
A Self-Taught Teenager: AI Expert
A self-taught teenager showing a path to all the children’s that everything is possible and you can gain knowledge from any source not only from books and schools.

6 years ago
Delhi: A Pollution State
An enthusiastic share of the picture by Bryan Adams, coincidently made people shocked after realizing the level of pollution in the Delhi State.

6 years ago
Female Passenger Praised Uber Drivers Gesture
A good work and responsible behavior can lead to a change in someone’s life as well as in the society too.

6 years ago
#MeToo Wave Eyeing on More
#MeToo wave intensifies in the country and the harassment allegations are engulfing many famous personalities in it.

6 years ago
Is Politicizing Accidents is necessary in India?
Opposition Parties take full advantage of accidents just to blame and portray the ruling party as the culprits. Without any proof they prove the ruling party as the culprit only by using their words with the help of media.
By Alisha Khan

6 years ago
The Dusky Bliss of Hostel life
Hostel life is a different part of life where you learn a lot of things and get introduced to many aspects of life and eventually learn to understand them.

6 years ago
Train Accident in Amritsar at Joda Phatak railway crossing area during Dusshera Celebration; about 60 died on this train mishap.

6 years ago
Child Trafficking
Every child is the future of the country/world. They deserve a good and bright future. Every hand and every step counts for building the future of the child and the country as well.

6 years ago
Freedom of Press means Freedom of Speech from authorities, which allows to reach to masses without any biased behaviour and misleading information and helps people to get justice as soon as possible.
By Alisha Khan

6 years ago
Life and Serendipity
Serendipity is the occurrence of events that end up in happiness and life is closely connected to it.

6 years ago
Need Renovation in Education System
It is high time to change the Education System in India. Quality Education is needed not on Categorical condition but on Financial condition.
By Alisha Khan

6 years ago
Hygiene and Health
Health is of course the most important thing in one life and it is indeed accepted all over the world. But still, I do consider that as a nation.

6 years ago
OMG…Is it a Government School?
Education holds the key to Economic Growth, Social Transformation, Modernization and National Integration. All these terms are very well followed and

6 years ago
Why Indian Media is so weird?
The present condition of Indian Media is not very satisfying. They just fill the time slot with any rubbish but they present that rubbish as well in a very fascinating manner to attract the audience.
By Alisha Khan

6 years ago
There is something in the name
‘Allahabad’ is being changed to ‘Prayagraj’. Sorry, grammatical mistake, the name of Allahabad is being changed to ‘Prayagraj’. Years ago, told a ver
By Alisha Khan

6 years ago
The worst thing that can happen: Hunger
Hunger is the most horrible thing that has ever existed.
By Alisha Khan

6 years ago
October Diaries
October is the love of many and continues to rule the hearts of money and here is it.

6 years ago
What is this Intolerance?
Crimes, Mob lynching and disputes resulting in murders and other related crimes are pretty common these days.
By Alisha Khan

6 years ago
What made it #MeToo
The #MeToo movement is getting big and all must know what made it this big.

6 years ago
What is this feminism?
There is no doubt that some of the frontal movements of the women's movement have been defeated and the result is that girls are going to school, they are making a career, they are successful, are writing, are artists, they are a scientist.
By Alisha Khan

6 years ago
The social media sanity
Social media has transformed as a sharing hub but we should know our way.
By Alisha Khan

6 years ago
Such an Indian Thing
There are many things which only Indians do and here are some of them without being judgemental about it.
By Alisha Khan

6 years ago
Every second story of success!
It is just another story of success which can make people get easy with their struggles.
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