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By Vansh Pandit

4 months ago
The Reality of Media and Journalism in India
What started as truthful reporting and fact-finding missions, the media has over the decades been characterised by control, manipulation.
By Drishan Vig

one year ago
How does the media shape the public opinion and influence society
The media plays a pivotal role in shaping public opinion and influencing society at large. With the advent of the digital age, the power and reach of the media
By Stuti Mathur

2 years ago
CNN and BBC's biased nature against countries like India
CNN and BBC's biased nature against South-Asian countries like India has been evident to people around the world.

4 years ago
TRP Fraud Scam : Everything You Need To Understand
The Mumbai Police on Thursday claimed to have busted a racket that tampered with the TRP. The owners of 2 small channels have also been arrested in this case.

4 years ago
Contribution of News Channels In Destroying Credibility Of Media Is Historic
This is the most tragic time of Indian media. The flame of hope is still flickering in the face of wear and tear. It is expected that the Indian media will once

4 years ago
Bloomsbury India Bans Delhi Riots 2020 Book : Decoding Whole Episode
To raise the flag of freedom of expression and to be surrounded by controversies of a film or a book, those who say that they should first read and read it, the

4 years ago
World Photography Day 2020 : Earn Fast From These Websites
Every year on August 19, World Photography Day is celebrated as World Photography Day. The day is dedicated to those who captured special moments in photographs

4 years ago
Nothing To Expect From Anti-India US Newspapers Like WSJ, NY Times
Facebook is Bharatiya Janata Party's "favorite friend" and this is what liberal anti-India USA newspapers like Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Washington

4 years ago
Media Is How Much Useful For Us ?
Media is a means through which information and data of the country and abroad are simultaneously transmitted to millions of people. Earlier, people used to use

4 years ago
Language Of Advertising Changed For Good
Today's world is set in breathtaking advertising space. Its language and methods were earlier common. The aim was to maintain the customer's emotions even while

4 years ago
Why Microsoft Is Getting Rid Of Journalists From MSN ?
Microsoft is to supplant many contracted columnists, journalists and reporters on its MSN site and utilize computerized frameworks to choose reports, US, and UK

4 years ago
Impact Of COVID-19 On Media
According to some data, India's unemployment figures are four times that of the United States. This is happening despite repeated requests by Prime Minister Nar
4 years ago
Anti-National Media Working Against Indian State On Corona Pandemic
India's war against the coronavirus epidemic has reached a new phase. During this war, a consensus has emerged that the country has faced this disaster very eff
4 years ago
Fake News Is Not Equal To Freedom Of Press
There was only one occasion in India when freedom of the press was curbed.
4 years ago
RSF Press Freedom Index Does Not Have Any Idea About India
The Paris-based non-governmental organization Reporters Without Borders, or RSF, has come out with the latest list of freedom status available to journalists in
4 years ago
Fake News Is Spreading Coronavirus Pandemic
The fundamental right to speak freely and articulation is a significant part of the majority rules system.

4 years ago
New York Times Doing Negative Reporting Against India During Corona Pandemic
A huge section of the Western media has no idea about India. They never acknowledged the intensity of our nation.

5 years ago
Newspaper Reading Turning Into A Withering Activity
A newspaper is one of the most significant media for human civilization. They can be said to be the powerhouse of knowledge.

5 years ago
Coronavirus Is The Most Trending News Now
From the past couple of days the most trending news of the world has been only the ongoing coronavirus pandemic which shows that media from Al-Jazeera of Qatar

5 years ago
Sexual Objectification Of Women : Let's Know About It
Sexual objectification of the women in ad world just to sell products is not a dark myth but the naked truth from which everyone seems to be running from but ..

6 years ago
Dominance of Men in the Film Industry.
Why is the film industry so male–dominated? this question is fundamentally somehow not correct and instead asking for male is not correct.

6 years ago
In words of the Father of the Nation Mahatma Gandhi, "The role of journalism should be service. The Press is a great power, but just as an unchained
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