Why do we die?

9 months ago

Why do we die?

Death has always been a mystery to humankind. What happens to human life after death?

I want to be a rich man but how?

9 months ago

I want to be a rich man but how?

Learn about "I want to be a rich man but how" in this view post

How to learn happiness using best practice?

11 months ago

How to learn happiness using best practice?

Happiness is not a goal, it's a state of mind. There are certain things you can do to achieve that.

Animals are more loyal than humans do you agree?

one year ago

Animals are more loyal than humans do you agree?

There is an unparalleled loyalty of animals as compared to humans, and pure and unwavering devotion they exhibit in various relationships.

Why fear death? Know the ways to overcome it

one year ago

Why fear death? Know the ways to overcome it

Death is inevitable, no one has control over it. And no one can escape from life alive. So why to fear it? Know the ways to overcome that fear!

My Opinion on "life of a college student" in India

one year ago

My Opinion on "life of a college student" in India

College is said to be the most exciting part of a person's journey. Here is my view on the thought.

Importance of inspiration in one’s life

one year ago

Importance of inspiration in one’s life

Inspiration wеavеs a vivid thrеad that not only adds color and vibrancy but also holds thе potеntial to transform livеs.

Life lessons every youth should learn from virat kohli

one year ago

Life lessons every youth should learn from virat kohli

Kohli's journеy is not just a talе of crickеting prowеss but also a sourcе of invaluablе lifе lеssons for thе youth. In this view, let's discuss his life lesson

Describe the purpose of life - Explore here

one year ago

Describe the purpose of life - Explore here

Life, a profound and intricate tapestry of experiences and emotions, has intrigued philosophers, thinkers, and seekers for centuries. At the heart of this human

Meaning of life as per different culture and philosophers

one year ago

Meaning of life as per different culture and philosophers

The meaning of life varies across different cultures and philosophical perspectives. Different philosophers denote the different perspectives of life

Signs Of Fight In First Year Of Arranged Marriage

4 years ago

Signs Of Fight In First Year Of Arranged Marriage

Marriage binds two people in a relationship for birth. Regardless of whether you are a love marriage or an arranged marriage, the life of both the boy and the g

What's So Special In Indian Head Bobble ?

4 years ago

What's So Special In Indian Head Bobble ?

With evolution, we have learned many things, one of which is communication. Every part of the world invented the language. Globally there are 6900 languages, mo

Do Not Let Negativity Overcome Your Life

4 years ago

Do Not Let Negativity Overcome Your Life

Life is full of all kinds of experiences. One moment we feel very happy, and the other moment anxiety and tension surround us. But this does not mean that we ge

World Suicide Prevention Day 2020 : Necessity To Save Life

4 years ago

World Suicide Prevention Day 2020 : Necessity To Save Life

World Suicide Prevention Day 2020 : Life is precious, it should be lived with seriousness. It is also said that once life is found, something should be done in

The Real Meaning Of RIP

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The Real Meaning Of RIP

As the world of the internet is getting bigger, the words are also getting smaller.

Today What Can You Buy With Rupee 1 Coin ?

4 years ago

Today What Can You Buy With Rupee 1 Coin ?

It will be interesting to know that even now we can get many things in 1 rupee. Know, what you can get 1 rupee lying in your pocket. Many types of candies are

Following These Ways Working Women Get Rid Of Office Gossiping

4 years ago

Following These Ways Working Women Get Rid Of Office Gossiping

In the office, too many types of gossip and rumors fly. It does not matter whether there is any truth in them. With Gossip, not only can people's focus deterior

How To Fix Your Broken Heart ? : Try Out These Ways For Sure

4 years ago

How To Fix Your Broken Heart ? : Try Out These Ways For Sure

A heart attack can be truly fatal. Too much alcohol can lead to heart attack, suicide or death by accident. Therefore, a broken heart should not be taken lightl

Practical Ways To Get Ex-Boyfriend Back

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Practical Ways To Get Ex-Boyfriend Back

Practical Ways To Get Ex-Boyfriend Back : It does not matter whether you left them or they broke up with you and left. It is important that they regret going aw

How To Change Yourself ? Follow These 4 Unique Life Hacks For Good

4 years ago

How To Change Yourself ? Follow These 4 Unique Life Hacks For Good

How to change yourself? First of all, it is important to know that we are going to talk on the topic of changing ourselves today. How to change yourself? That i

Whatever Happens Just Go With It !

4 years ago

Whatever Happens Just Go With It !

Whatever happens, just go with it ! People have often heard them saying that their human dignity, their fame, inadequacy, their happiness and sorrow and their

Results Are What We Do Via Actions

4 years ago

Results Are What We Do Via Actions

We get the same result as we do. Our actions and deeds determine our sins and virtue. If we do good deeds then we get good fruits of it and if we do bad deeds t

What Is Exactly A "Good Friend" ?

4 years ago

What Is Exactly A "Good Friend" ?

The word friendship is so rich in itself that to derive one meaning from it would be called underestimation. Perhaps after parents in the world, there are frien

Is Childhood Better Or Adulthood ?

4 years ago

Is Childhood Better Or Adulthood ?

Both childhood and adulthood are inevitable stages in human life. Life from the first day of life to death is nothing but a series of events, actions, and conse