How to stay fit with a hectic work routine?
fitness & health

10 months ago

How to stay fit with a hectic work routine?

In this busy life, people often don't get time to work out. But still there are few ways you can keep your health in check.

How the healthcare of a baby child is different from adult? important tips

10 months ago

How the healthcare of a baby child is different from adult? important tips

The physical, physiological, mental and emotional needs of a child is very much different from an adults and so does their healthcare needs.

What is apple cider vinegar and its health benefits?

11 months ago

What is apple cider vinegar and its health benefits?

Learn What is apple cider vinegar and its health benefits in this post

How to bring down bad cholesterol and avoid attacks

one year ago

How to bring down bad cholesterol and avoid attacks

Bad Cholesterol or LDL cholesterol is one of the biggest health problem faced by a lot of people around the world.

How trees are important for human health?
fitness & health

one year ago

How trees are important for human health?

Trees are one of the most important part of our environment. Apart from making the environment true, they also keep us healthy and fit. Let's see how!

Can tea water help in hair fall if washed?

one year ago

Can tea water help in hair fall if washed?

Hair fall is a big problem that most of people are facing all around the world. Natural remedies like tea water can reduce the hair fall to some extend.

Why sleep quota of Indian youths is increasing?
indian youth

one year ago

Why sleep quota of Indian youths is increasing?

Youth is the pillar of any country. The sleep quota of Indian youth is increasing rapidly and is causing major health issues. Let's see why is that happening.

How Bad Cholesterol Affect our Blood Circulation? Ways to cure it
fitness & health

one year ago

How Bad Cholesterol Affect our Blood Circulation? Ways to cure it

Maintaining healthy cholesterol levels through lifestyle modifications and balanced diet is essential for preserving optimal blood circulation. Lets see how?

Walking is the best exercise, why? Ways to increase the daily steps
fitness & health

one year ago

Walking is the best exercise, why? Ways to increase the daily steps

Walking is the best exercise for your health. There are various benefits of walking. There are various ways to increase the number of steps.

10 Best effective ways to reduce your screen timing

one year ago

10 Best effective ways to reduce your screen timing

In the era of technology and phones, everyone is always glued up to their screens which is unhealthy. Here are few ways to reduce the screen time and be healthy

Best trending spiritual wellness ways to revive yourself in the New Year 2024

one year ago

Best trending spiritual wellness ways to revive yourself in the New Year 2024

As wе stеp into thе dawn of a nеw yеar, thе quеst for holistic wеll-bеing takеs cеntеr stagе. Amid thе hustlе and bustlе of modеrn lifе

How China Deals with Mysterious Pneumonia Outbreak?

one year ago

How China Deals with Mysterious Pneumonia Outbreak?

China is currently grappling with a puzzling pnеumonia еpidеmic, resulting in ovеrwhеlmеd hospitals floodеd with ill childrеn

7 Amazing Advantages Of Drinking Chia Seeds Water On Empty Stomach In The Morning

one year ago

7 Amazing Advantages Of Drinking Chia Seeds Water On Empty Stomach In The Morning

It's a good habit to start the day by consuming chia seed water on an empty stomach. Chia seeds are rich in fiber, protein, and omega-3 fatty acids, among other

National Doctor's Day: Recognizing the Indispensable Role of Doctors in One's Life

one year ago

National Doctor's Day: Recognizing the Indispensable Role of Doctors in One's Life

National Doctor's Day is a significant occasion that serves as a reminder of the invaluable contributions made by medical professionals to society. Celebrated o

Why sun is important for your health as well as well being

one year ago

Why sun is important for your health as well as well being

The sun is a powerful source of energy that has been revered by cultures and religions around the world for thousands of years.

How Do I Choose an Online Healthcare Management Program

one year ago

How Do I Choose an Online Healthcare Management Program

Gone are the days when students had to attend classes physically before they could attain their degrees.

How to use a chest press machine?

2 years ago

How to use a chest press machine?

The chest press targets the upper body. In particular, you can train the chest, triceps and deltoid muscles. How to set up and use a chest press machine

Nebuliser vs Inhaler, which is better?

2 years ago

Nebuliser vs Inhaler, which is better?

If your child needs medicine to reduce wheezing, it's important to get the medicine where it's needed - the lungs. Nebulizers and inhalers are both

How to buy the right Oximeter for you?

2 years ago

How to buy the right Oximeter for you?

The oximeter helps you monitor your heart rate and oxygen level painlessly in seconds. Covid-19 affects a person's respiratory system,

What is a Stess Test?

2 years ago

What is a Stess Test?

Stress tests are used to see how well your heart responds to the hardest work. During the test, you will be asked to exercise while connected to an

What is Continuous Passive Motion Machine?

2 years ago

What is Continuous Passive Motion Machine?

What is a continuous manual exercise machine? A continuous passive motion machine (CPM) is a device that moves your joints slowly and smoothly

What is a Dialysis Machine?

2 years ago

What is a Dialysis Machine?

What is dialysis? Dialysis is a treatment for people with kidney failure. If you have kidney failure, your kidneys don't filter your blood properly.

What is an Infusion Pump?

2 years ago

What is an Infusion Pump?

What is an infusion pump used for? An infusion pump has the capability to deliver a small or large amount of fluids. In addition, infusion pumps

Reasons you shouldn't Believe in weight scales

2 years ago

Reasons you shouldn't Believe in weight scales

Is the Scale Accurate? While the scale can tell you how much you weigh, there's something more important you need to know: your body composition.

Advantage or Disadvantages of Health Insurance

2 years ago

Advantage or Disadvantages of Health Insurance

While you're working hard to reach your financial goals, unexpected health issues can have a significant impact on your journey.

Advantage and Disadvantages of Steam Inhalation?

2 years ago

Advantage and Disadvantages of Steam Inhalation?

If you have a stuffy nose while you have a cold or sinus infection, breathing can be difficult. Sometimes it can even cause sleep problems.

What is the usage of Oximeter?

2 years ago

What is the usage of Oximeter?

What is pulse oximetry? A pulse oximeter test may be performed on the finger to read blood flow. All systems and organs in the body need oxygen to survive.

How long do Anxiety disorders last?

2 years ago

How long do Anxiety disorders last?

How long does it take for an anxiety attack to pass? Anxiety attacks typically last no more than 30 minutes, with the symptoms reaching their most intense at a

Why should you consume Onion and Garlic?

2 years ago

Why should you consume Onion and Garlic?

Why not eat onions and garlic? Onions and garlic are important and necessary ingredients for everyday cooking. Both add depth and unique flavor to whatever

Mind of a Meat Eater

2 years ago

Mind of a Meat Eater

Research on individual characteristics suggests that individuals affect the frequency and comfort of individual values ​​and opinions. People who are more grat