10 Ways Yoga Can Improve Your Life.

16 days ago

10 Ways Yoga Can Improve Your Life.

Yoga delivers enhanced physical strength together with increased flexibility to your body.

The Autobiography of a Yogi: Why You Should Read

20 days ago

The Autobiography of a Yogi: Why You Should Read

“The Autobiography of a Yogi” narrates the life story of Paramahansa Yogananda and is aimed at demonstrating his spiritual development.

Top 10 Countries For Good Lifestyle In The World

5 months ago

Top 10 Countries For Good Lifestyle In The World

Analyzing the top countries around the world known for offering the best lifestyle, including factors like quality of life, healthcare, work-life balance.

Why People Become Lazy These Days? Ways To Overcome

7 months ago

Why People Become Lazy These Days? Ways To Overcome

In recent years, there has been a noticeable increase in discussions about laziness and the factors that contribute to it.

Impact of Lifestyle on Health

9 months ago

Impact of Lifestyle on Health

There is a big impact of lifestyle on health. Let's see how it impacts.

Can tea water help in hair fall if washed?

one year ago

Can tea water help in hair fall if washed?

Hair fall is a big problem that most of people are facing all around the world. Natural remedies like tea water can reduce the hair fall to some extend.

Walking is the best exercise, why? Ways to increase the daily steps
fitness & health

one year ago

Walking is the best exercise, why? Ways to increase the daily steps

Walking is the best exercise for your health. There are various benefits of walking. There are various ways to increase the number of steps.

How sleep quota changes with the change in age?

one year ago

How sleep quota changes with the change in age?

Sleep is an important part of our lifestyle. As our age increases, our body's need of sleep gradually changes. We will see how does that happen.

Implementation of energy to live happy in your day to day life

one year ago

Implementation of energy to live happy in your day to day life

In today's fast-paced world, where demands and responsibilities are constantly increasing, it is essential to have enough energy to lead a happy

How does lifestyle affect your career

one year ago

How does lifestyle affect your career

Your lifestyle can have a significant impact on your career, both positively and negatively. Your lifestyle includes your daily habits, your personal choices

How can I live a quality life

2 years ago

How can I live a quality life

Have you ever asked yourself, "How can I live a quality life?" It's a question many of us have pondered in our pursuit of the good life.

Saudi Arabia's zero gravity vertical city "The Line" is live here

2 years ago

Saudi Arabia's zero gravity vertical city "The Line" is live here

Saudi Arabia is working to built a city totally based in the nature friendly with no cars, no pollution and also with Zero Gravity.

Rising Petrol & Diesel Prices; Becoming a Threat!
indian economy

3 years ago

Rising Petrol & Diesel Prices; Becoming a Threat!

With the price of petrol gliding over Rs 100 in Mumbai also nearly to the three-figure value in all the other metro cities, the issue of whether the administrat

Seeking Discomfort

3 years ago

Seeking Discomfort

Being in a comfort zone post pandemic has not been able to serve our lives' purpose. What we need is to kick-start our life in a totally different way.

Why you shouldn't be busy all the time?

3 years ago

Why you shouldn't be busy all the time?

While it's okay to work hard but is it okay to work at your leisure too? Busyness shouldn't be an excuse for being discomfortable with your thoughts.

How Is It To Be A Metrosexual

4 years ago

How Is It To Be A Metrosexual

It is common for women to decorate, pay attention to body structure, fitness, stay well dress, look beautiful, and take care of their bodies from every angle. T

Lost Job In Corona Pandemic ? Try These Steps To Motivate Yourself

4 years ago

Lost Job In Corona Pandemic ? Try These Steps To Motivate Yourself

In the present time, there is a lot of listening and seeing the job. There have been reports of the eviction of employees from several companies due to Coronavi

Parallel Parenting Top Tips Every Partner Should Follow

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Parallel Parenting Top Tips Every Partner Should Follow

A divorce or separation of a couple ends the boring and negative relationship on one side. However, separation is not the reason for the end of the communicatio

Identify these five ways to avoid buying fake makeup products

4 years ago

Identify these five ways to avoid buying fake makeup products

Many makeup products are available in the market nowadays. In such a situation, before taking any item, it is important to know whether it is fake or not. Becau

Work From Home Benefits During Coronavirus Lockdown

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Work From Home Benefits During Coronavirus Lockdown

Our reality has created so that a great many people need to leave from home for occupations, business yet in addition to some different assignments

Phubbing Is The Relationship Killer

5 years ago

Phubbing Is The Relationship Killer

Phubbing is the act of snubbing a person you’re speaking with an individual in the desire of your smartphone.

Live-In-Relationship: Protecting The Right To Live Together

5 years ago

Live-In-Relationship: Protecting The Right To Live Together

Live-in-Relationship, a marshallment in which unmarried human beings live together without getting married for a long term for a spread of reasons

What kind of life are we living?

5 years ago

What kind of life are we living?

What kind of life are we living in today? What has changed in this life? The same life from 9 am to 5 pm and the ever-ending fatigue associated with it

'Plain life high thought' : How Does It Work?

5 years ago

'Plain life high thought' : How Does It Work?

'Plain life high thought' means that our life should be simple and high valued but we should not limit our thinking and thoughts.

Is It Love or Attraction....?

5 years ago

Is It Love or Attraction....?

Here, I am going to share with you the concept of love and attraction. So what is attraction?