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What kind of life are we living?
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What kind of life are we living in today? What has changed in this life? The same life from 9 am to 5 pm and the ever-ending fatigue associated with it and perhaps even above that lack of time, which we are unable to complete while filling this empty life.
What is your life like? Don't you get a bored dude? Take a little rest and give yourself time too. Just remember that this life will only teach you to live, even if you do not live it, then if you want to, try to live and fail in the end. You will definitely learn to live this life.
You will not even regret that you did not make any effort or did not even try. Changes in the success of the effort will be indicative of how success will be and how you will be embraced.
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Embrace success but don't take it to the head because life will teach you to live again. At the end of the day, you will start thinking again what kind of life are you living? What is this life like? There was nothing as I thought, yet why has it become like this?
Life is the name of living until we all die, so live life slowly and slowly, or enjoy it with every joy and sorrow at high speed. If you are not able to do all this, then life will teach you to live your style and you will be able to live it either by accepting it or by assimilating it. If there is life, you will have to be a friend or else it will teach you to live.
Really life! You have changed and we have all changed with you, then it has given us happiness or sadness. It is the specialty of life that it would change herself and give us a chance to change with her, otherwise, we have to change. What kind of life are we really living in? The question is everlasting and the answer will definitely make us troubled in the end with no clue possible. What a mystery! What kind of life are we really living in ?

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