What are the Benefits of Meditation?


What are the Benefits of Meditation?

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Many studies have demonstrated the benefits of regular meditation.

These include reducing stress, improving concentration, lowering blood pressure, and reducing symptoms of anxiety and depression. There are different types of meditation, but all can provide similar proven benefits for mental and physical health. This is the result of research. 

1. Improve concentration

Mindfulness meditation helps you focus on the present, which improves your focus on other tasks in your daily life. A 2011 study from Harvard Medical School looked at the effects of mindfulness meditation on the brain and found a link between mindfulness and new information processing.

Researchers studied the brains of 17 people before and after participating in an eight-week meditation program. Brain scans showed an increase in gray matter in the part of the brain responsible for learning, memory, and emotion regulation.

Additionally, a 2016 study by Carnegie Mellon University researchers showed how mindfulness meditation improves focus and decision-making. 

2. Improve self-esteem and self-awareness

Mindfulness meditation slows you down, allows you to think more deeply, and helps you find positive things about yourself. Dr. Brian Wind, Chief Clinical Officer at JourneyPure, said, 'Mindfulness helps increase self-awareness by increasing your ability to investigate your thoughts and feelings without judgment, which ultimately improves self-esteem.'

According to Stanford University researchers, mindfulness meditation is especially helpful for people with social anxiety disorder. In a 2009 study published in the Journal of Cognitive Psychotherapy, 14 participants with social anxiety disorder participated in two months of meditation practice and reported a reduction in anxiety and an improvement in self-esteem after completing the program.

3. Reduce stress

Mindfulness meditation can help you relax by lowering levels of the stress hormone cortisol.

In a 2013 review, researchers looked at more than 200 studies of mindfulness meditation in healthy people and found that meditation is an effective way to reduce stress. Repeating a mantra (such as a word or phrase) during meditation also has a calming effect, and focusing on the mantra can help you get rid of distracting thoughts.

Transcendental meditation has a similar effect, says David Foley, founder of Unify Cosmos Meditation Center in Oklahoma. It is said that silently repeating a word or sound can focus your attention and achieve a state of complete peace and stability.

 4. Controlling anxiety or depression

Mindfulness meditation can help train your mind to focus on the present moment, which can make you less anxious about worrying thoughts that can lead to depression. A review of a 2014 study published in JAMA Internal Medicine found that mindfulness meditation can help relieve anxiety and depression and can be part of a comprehensive mental health treatment plan.

Research has also supported the benefits of mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR), a treatment program that includes mindfulness meditation. Studies have shown that MBSR can help people with anxiety calm their minds and reduce symptoms of depression, including sleep problems, loss of appetite, and low mood.

5. Cope with addiction

Meditation can reduce cravings for these substances by changing brain receptors associated with drug and alcohol addiction, Davidson says. Mindfulness meditation also increases awareness of your desires and allows you to better control your desires. Davidson: “This awareness is very powerful because it allows us to overcome cravings and desires. 'We notice the impulse and we know it's there, but we don't have to give in to it.'

A 2018 study published in the Journal of Substance Abuse and Rehabilitation found that mindfulness training can help prevent future relapse in people with substance use disorder because it has therapeutic effects that help regulate the way the brain perceives pleasure.

 6. Pain control

According to Davidson, many doctors recommend mindfulness meditation as part of a comprehensive pain management plan. For example, a 2020 study with more than 6,400 participants in 60 studies found that meditation can reduce pain after surgery in people with acute or chronic pain.

It doesn't cure everything, and the pain doesn't necessarily go away,' says Davidson. “We can recognize that pain is there, but we don't treat it the same way, and it can be very helpful to manage chronic pain.”

7. Make you a better person or make you love.

Charity meditation promotes compassion for self and others. It strengthens brain circuits that recognize the emotions of others, promotes altruistic behavior, and reduces implicit or unconscious biases responsible for perpetuating harmful stereotypes.

To begin a charity meditation, you can visualize your loved one and wish them good luck. Then you can show love to yourself and others in your life.

'You can use simple phrases that you repeat silently, like 'Enjoy your happiness,'' says Davidson. to fall into

Meditation can have many health benefits, from physical to mental and emotional. Whether you're looking to improve focus, reduce stress, or fight addiction, depression, or chronic pain, you should give it a try and see if it's right for you.

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An inquisitive individual with a great interest in the subjectivity of human experiences, behavior, and the complexity of the human mind. Enthusiased to learn, volunteer, and participate. Always driv . . .

