Sleeping Troubles? Exercises for a better sleep

11-Jul-2022, Updated on 7/12/2022 5:11:05 AM

Sleeping Troubles? Exercises for a better sleep

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Sleep is a vital function that lets your body and mind rest so that you can wake up feeling rejuvenated and aware. Healthy sleep is also important for keeping the body disease-free and healthy. The brain cannot function effectively without enough sleep. Your capacity to focus, think clearly, and process memories may all be hampered by this.


The quality of your sleep has a significant impact on your health and quality of life. Our sleep affects a variety of cognitive and physical processes as well as our mood and productivity. Long-term sleep deprivation can hurt your health, career, and personal life.


Our lifestyle and diet have a direct impact on how well we sleep. Regular exercise has been shown to improve our sleep cycle right away. Some workouts might even be more beneficial for promoting better sleep. In this post, we go through a few simple activities that can greatly enhance our sleep quality.


There is a lot of research on the relationship between regular exercise and restful sleep. Recent studies strongly imply a reciprocal relationship exists between physical activity and sleep. People who engage in light exercise during the day report sleeping better, while those who don't get enough sleep may engage in less physical activity each day.

Compared to other forms of exercise, some promote better, higher-quality sleep. You can assist ensure you get enough sleep every night by knowing which workouts are ideal for sleep and when you should work out during the day.


Aerobic Workout

Aerobic exercise or 'cardio' encourages faster heartbeats and breathing.

This kind of activity can lower your risk of heart disease and improve blood pressure. The aerobic activity is measured in intensity. Exercises at a moderate level will raise your heart rate and make you perspire. Examples include water aerobics, brisk walking, and slightly steep bike rides.

Running or jogging, lap swimming, strenuous bike rides, and physically demanding sports like basketball or singles tennis are examples of vigorous-intensity activities that can significantly increase your heart rate.


Resistance Training

Strength training, sometimes referred to as resistance exercise, aims to increase muscle strength all over the body.

A combination of resistance and aerobic exercise is advised by health professionals to enhance several physiological functions.

Resistance training examples include: • Lifting weights

• Using resistance bands for exercise

• Push-ups, sit-ups, and other forms of resistance training


There is a lot of research on the relationship between regular exercise and restful sleep. Recent studies strongly imply a reciprocal association between exercise and sleep. People who engage in a little exercise during the day may sleep better, whereas those who don't get enough sleep may engage in less physical activity each day. Some forms of exercise encourage higher-quality, more restful sleep than others. You can make sure you receive enough sleep every night by knowing which workouts are ideal for sleep and when you should work out during the day.



Yoga is a particular kind of resistance training that emphasizes meditation, breathing exercises, and better posture. Yoga has been proved to relieve stress, aid in weight loss, and ease neck and lower back discomfort.

Yoga instruction may also lead to better sleep. Even though the relationship between yoga and better sleep has not been well examined in terms of the general population, certain studies have indicated sleep improvements for specific people. The elderly, sleep-deprived women, and women with type 2 diabetes are a few of these.


Child Pose

The child's pose has a calming effect by easing tension in the back and shoulders, gently stretching the hips, and opening the chest. This activates an acupressure point that is thought to relieve anxiety. Starting from a tabletop position, tuck your chest in between your thighs and tuck your hips back to your heels. Your knees are the appropriate distance apart for you to be able to breathe deeply while your big toes are touching. Stretching your arms, extend your hands in front of you. You can lay a tennis ball or massage ball beneath your forehead and roll it gently from side to side to give yourself a mini-massage, or you can let your forehead rest on the ground.


Low Squat

The psoas muscle, the deepest muscle in the core that connects the spine to the legs, starts to loosen up as a result of this exercise. The psoas supports internal organs, propel us forward when we run or walk, and link to the diaphragm, which directly affects our breathing. We can take deeper, diaphragmatic breaths by relaxing the psoas.

Return to the tabletop. Slide your left knee further behind you and advance your right foot between your hands. Keep your hands framing the front foot on the floor or rest them on the knee. Here, take five to ten breaths, then switch legs.


Legs up the Wall

In addition to stretching the hamstrings and releasing lower back strain, this yoga pose can also aid in easing any cramps or edema that may have developed from prolonged sitting or standing. Sit next to a wall with one hip. Lean back and rest your upper body on the floor in an L-shape while you swing your legs up parallel to the wall. Move your hips back a few inches from the wall or slightly bend your knees if your hamstrings are tight. You can also lay a folded blanket or bolster beneath your low back for additional support. Your butt will rise a little bit as a result of this. Put your right index finger to your right nostril and gently pinch it shut. Simply breathing in and out via your left nostril for five to ten steady breaths will lower your heart rate, body temperature, and anxiety. After releasing the hand, take a few deep breaths through each nostril. After that, roll to one side while lifting the hips a little bit. Take your time getting out of the pose and continue to breathe on your side for a few breaths.


In conclusion, getting adequate physical activity can improve the quality of your sleep by stimulating your brain and body. Exercise helps to promote excellent sleep by calming the mind and elevating feel-good hormones. Additionally, people also need to eat well-balanced meals. Their diet and the time of day they eat affects how well they sleep.

Written By
current post-graduate student at christ university and an aspiring content writer with experience in working on online content creation and research..

