What Is Cord Blood Banking Used For

03-Jun-2022, Updated on 10/13/2023 6:47:43 AM

What Is Cord Blood Banking Used For

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It has become a thing now. A lot of parents are opting for cord blood banking at present. Parents always want to protect their children from everything and anything bad. When they are having a baby, they start to plan everything from the very beginning. 


Whether it is making the baby’s room or starting to save for their education, you start everything when you just get the news you are pregnant. We know you might be thinking about cord blood banking, and at the same time, you might also have a lot of queries and questions. 


The major question that you are facing is what cord blood banking is used for. Here, in this article, we will talk about that. 


How Is Cord Blood Used Today?

For more than 390 years, stem cells of cord blood have been utilized in transplant medicine. At present, it can help in treating around 80 health conditions. 


When it is used in transplant, cord blood stem cells assist in rebuilding healthy blood along with a healthier immune system, which has been damaged as a result of any disease. 


However, in the last few years, the usage of cord blood has expanded beyond transplant medicines. And it has expanded into the areas of regenerative medicines in those clinical trials that are conducted for those conditions that were once thought untreatable including brain injuries and autism. 


When we are talking about regenerative medicine, cord blood is used differently in comparison to transplant medicine. Here, rather than rebuilding a new immune system and blood that is done in transplant, in clinical research, cord blood is being used to potentially facilitate or regenerate repair by stimulating the self-healing abilities of the body. 


In regenerative medicine clinical trials, both cord tissue and cord blood stem cells are being used for all those conditions which do not have any cure today. It is an exciting time for cord blood tissue banking and cord blood banking. 


You should think about banking the umbilical cord stem cells of your baby now. 


Using Your Baby’s Cord Blood

When it comes to using cord blood, often there is confusion about who can use the cord blood of your baby. The good news is that both your baby and a sibling can potentially use the cord blood stem cells. 


However, it usually depends on the conditions that are being treated. So, we can say that your physician is going to decide whether your physician. 


For treating some specific non-genetic diseases along with cancer, your baby might be able to use her or his cord blood. 


In some clinical trials, participation requires children to have access to their cord blood. Here are the possible uses.

• Autism.

• Cerebral palsy.

• Neuroblastoma. 


A sibling who needs a stem cell donor might be able to use the cord blood of your baby. Treatment that uses cord blood from a family member is two times as successful as the cord blood from a non-relative. 


Here are the possible usage;

• Bone marrow failure syndromes.

• Cancers.

• Blood disorders. 


FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

To make your idea clearer here, we are answering some of the most common questions that people often ask when they opt for cord blood banking. 


Q1: What Is The Point Of Cord Blood Banking?

It is an option for parents who like to opt for preserving the blood of the umbilical cord along with the placenta of their baby as insurance to get help with possible future medical requirements of their child. Cord blood banking is becoming more and more popular around the world


The best part is that cord blood also can be used for other biological matched children; they can be either in their own family or the general public. 


Q2: What Are 3 Uses Of Cord Blood? 


At present, the use of cord blood has become effective in helping treat around 80 conditions that including the following. 


• Blood disorders.

• Cancers.

• Bone marrow failure syndrome.

• Immune disorders.

• Metabolic disorders. 


To Conclude

We believe after going through this article, you have got the answer you were searching for; in case you have any other queries or doubts, feel free to reach us. We will try to get back to you with a reliable solution as soon as possible.

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