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By Anjana Raj

6 months ago
Congress's Agenda and India's Growth
Examining the Indian National Congress's agendas and their effects on development in India
By Drishan Vig

one year ago
Indian Education System- Challenges and Opportunities
India has one of the largest education systems in the world, with over 1.3 billion people but our education system is currently witnessing several challenges
By Drishan Vig

2 years ago
How are violent crime rates in U.S. cities affected by poverty
Poverty is a major issue in the United States, and it has been for decades. What many don’t realize is that poverty is linked to more serious issues
By Drishan Vig

2 years ago
How the situation of Pakistan get worsens with Poverty, Crime and Hunger
Pakistan is a country in the midst of a crisis. The people of this country are facing overwhelming odds as they struggle to survive in a rapidly changing

3 years ago
Politics of West Bengal
An election is a way people can choose their candidate or their preferences in a representative democracy or the form of government. It is the system .
By Hritika .

4 years ago
Such difference, much WOW.. Can we ever bridge this inequality?
India and Indian billionaires in 2020. A report by Oxfam on the effect of covid on world's economy and the gap and inequality that builds between rich and poor

6 years ago
Poverty: The Worst form of silence....!
India is one of the most invaded places in the world throughout the recorded history. When you have too many invasions and fallen kingdoms every 100
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