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28-Aug-2023 , Updated on 8/28/2023 1:27:59 AM
Why half of pakistan wants to join India
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- Economic hardship- Pakistan is onе of thе poorеst countriеs in thе world. Thе еconomy has bееn stagnant for yеars, and thе pеoplе arе suffеring. Many Pakistanis bеliеvе that joining India would givе thеm accеss to a largеr and morе prospеrous еconomy.
- Political instability- Pakistan has bееn plaguеd by political instability for many yеars. Thеrе havе bееn numеrous military coups and civilian govеrnmеnts havе bееn ovеrthrown. Many Pakistanis bеliеvе that joining India would bring political stability and dеmocracy.
- Rеligious еxtrеmism- Pakistan is homе to a numbеr of еxtrеmist groups, including thе Taliban and al-Qaеda. Thеsе groups havе carriеd out numеrous tеrrorist attacks, both in Pakistan and in India. Many Pakistanis bеliеvе that joining India would hеlp to combat rеligious еxtrеmism.
- Sharеd culturе and history- Pakistan and India sharе a common culturе and history. Thе two countriеs wеrе oncе part of thе samе British colony, and thеy still sharе many cultural similaritiеs. Many Pakistanis bеliеvе that thеsе sharеd tiеs would makе it еasiеr for thе two countriеs to unitе.
Maybe, there is a good chance that Pakistan and India will meet again. Focusing on the ongoing circumstance with Imran Khan removed and Nawaz Sharif as the new Top state leader of Pakistan, who as of late said in his discourse regarding two principal points which I want to enlist-
a) He referred to the public as beggars and the economy as failing, while simultaneously urging the Indian government to help alleviate poverty on both sides of the LOC. This indicates that Sharif wants a prosperous economy and wants India to be there to assist them, which gives India a platform to interact with Islamabad's economic situation.
b) In his speech, he also said that Kashmir is a sensitive issue , and while he said he would talk to all international organizations about it, he wants India to talk about it as well.
He likewise cited "Purana Pakistan", however this can be alluded to as a political statement against the Khan's lobby's "Naya Pakistan", yet this provides us with the possibility of Sharif's Aim to have not a brought together India but rather some kind of game plan, for example, European Association which will be chiefly worried about the monetary viewpoint.
Image source- Express tribune
Now, if that is the case, you may all be wondering why Delhi and Islamabad do not seek assistance from Beijing. Since they comprehend the Chinese government's obligation trap strategy and the ongoing Sri Lanka case. They are likewise worried about the Belt and Street Drive, which the Khan government once upheld (a silly methodology) and was likewise gone against by the resistance at that point.
Now that we've covered the Pakistani side, we should check India out. In India, this alliance (Akhand Bharat) and even EU-like game plans have for some time been fermented on close to home and vital connivances. India, as you probably are aware, has steered a significant stage toward this path with the cancelation of Articles 370 and 35(A) and the development of the Association Regions of J&K and Ladakh.
Then, at that point, the exceptionally advanced and sort of state marketized Kashmir Documents film was a tremendous outcome in fostering a feeling of having a place with the Kashmir and allowing people in general to understand the connection or will I say the responsibility for to the Indians.
We are all aware that the Lok Sabha elections in India in 2024 are rapidly approaching, and we are also familiar with the traditional strategies used by the BJP to do something significant relating to Pakistan, cultivate sentiments and feelings of patriotic sentiment toward the topic, and make an unspoken statement. Now, the BJP is doing something that no one else had the courage to do.
Furthermore, ultimately, a significant assertion was given by a RSS pioneer letting us know that Pakistan and the POK would be our own by 2025 yet not proceeding with procuring it but rather he likewise located this as EU based plan, with line outlines lighter and property privileges accessible to both the countries inside the organized domain.
So, these were the facts. Now, imagine how these facts would play out. When elections are held in Pakistan in 2023, everyone's thoughts will turn to those elections. At that time, Sharif will make a deal with Modi to keep the administrative powers of POK and Gilgit-Baltistan with Islamabad. However, the economic cooperation will be increased, with India helping Pakistan sort out loans it has with other countries as a gesture of friendship.
Then, when the LS Elections are held in 20 Sri Lanka's appeal could follow suit because their nation is still in a precarious state and India has frequently assisted them. Bangladesh likewise needs to take an interest since it has a decent relationship and has a ton of impact. Nepal is a Hindu-larger part and will be wistful on a Hindu premise since it needs to be essential for a Hindu country to turn into a Hindu nation. Bhutan is much of the time considered India's more youthful sibling, however, what happens when a more seasoned sibling offers security to a small kid in case of monetary difficulty, they acknowledge the proposition and the equivalent can happen to Bhutan.
But again the question arises that Pakistan is a nation of strong ideologies for which our ancestors gave their lives. Possibilities are there that they will reunite with India.
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