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14-Mar-2022 , Updated on 5/15/2023 2:45:56 AM
Kashmir Files Speaks About the Genocide of Kashmiri Pandits in 1990
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Kashmir files woke up the dead soul of Kashmiri Pundits
None can understand the pain of the Kashmiri Pundits because none have lived in it as they lived in the fear of their children’s lives, their parents’ lives, and their family lives.
The genocide of Kashmiri Pundits took place in 1990 which has been revealed in the movie made by Vivek Agnihotri, the director of the film also a Fatwa holder. Yes, his fatwa has been issued by Muslims during the last day of the shoot of the movie.
This movie is not any action movie not any fascinated one not even unbelievable but it is the real history of helpless India in 1990. I will request you to keep the year in your mind it’s 1990 and the reason I will explain later is how our Indian Government watch the scenes of killings by the terrorist of humanity.
Before going into the deep story of this movie, I just wanted to summarize to you a little bit about the incident that happened in 1990, in Kashmir. After the partition, Gandhi’s ideology became the reason for hostility among the Hindus and Muslims which resulted in the huge massacre on multiple occasions. During these years India also fought the War with Pakistan defeated it but it never give up on Kashmir.
During the years, the militants in Kashmir Ghati became so aggressive and animal for the killings of Kashmiri Hindus, Kashmiri Pundits with the help of the current government of the J&K. Islamic Jihadi shouted the slogan of Jihad and started their Extremist Brutality over the Kashmiri pundits as their Sisters, Mothers were raped and the males were killed. Pundits were told to leave their Kashmir. Here “their” word means the Kashmir of Pakistani Jihadi.
Reliv, Galiv, and Chaliv are the words they gave the Kashmiri Pandits to accept.
Lakhs of women were tied up and faced the extremist brutality of those Jihadis, some of them died and the rest of them were killed. The numbers were reached about 5 lakhs. When the massacre of Brahmins was happening the whole country was unknown about the matter because no media, government, people talked about the heinous crime. The government of 1990 covered their faces and let the Kashmiri Pundits face the apex of cruelty. According to my Central including with the state government of that year was responsible for the genocide in India.
I am so thankful to Vivek Agnihotri who woke up the people of the nation and for doing the courageous shoot. None other than but only a true patriot can do such things and Vivek Agnihotri has that passion for India and its people.
Today is the day when we should unite against the living Islamic terrorism ideology in our society. We should ensure that the future does not repeat our history, we should avoid these peoples and should support our government to make it fully Islamic terrorism free. I support the removal of 370 from Jammu & Kashmir and now I also request the government to get back the illegally confiscated part of Kashmir from terrorists.
The movie was largely criticized by the specific community of people and some Bollywood stars who were not willing to promote the movie, even the famous Kapil Sharma Show denied the request for promotion of the movie.
After all the movie belongs to us, to our ancestors who sacrificed their lives for us. The movie belongs to our country and its patriot who made the country a heaven of the world. The movie belongs to an individual son of Bharat Maa and no one could restrict the son to its Bharat Maa.
My words after watching the movie were 'Kashmir was an integral part of India, Kashmir is an integral part of India and Kashmir will be an integral part of India 'we can sacrifice our millions of heads and can behead billions of heads for our Nation's Head that is Jammu and Kashmir.
Some feelings can not be expressed with words and they are not enough to describe my deep pain and anger hence I am stopping my pen here.
Also Read: A 'Pandit' Who Breathed, Lived And Died For 'Bharat'

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