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Chinese Warship Shone a Laser at an Australian Plane
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Chinese Poole's Liberation Army Navy Vessels shone a laser at an Australian Air Craft
The Australian Prime Minister on Monday said about the laser light that was shone to his aircraft by the Chinese Warship an “act of intimidation,” by a Chinese naval ship.
People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) of China has shone shining laser light on an Australian Royal Air Craft in the Arafura Sea, the place which is not under the control of the Chinese Government. Such an act is not the first of its kind as China has already done such laser showing acts in the past with many aircraft which is very recklessly and illegitimate.
China not only on land but also in Sea is spreading its territory and hence it has been using such actions to be as dominant near its territory. Recently last year, Chinese Forces attacked India with its North Territory with the wrong intention but Indian Army Forces have responded to them with strict action.
China, with its ill intention, many times have tried to enter the foreign boundaries in the Ocean similarly as it repeated its act in the Arafura Sea with Australian Air Craft.
In response, the Prime Minister Scott Morrison of Australia raised the issue with other native states and said about the Chinese naval ship act was “the act of Intimidation” the Australian Department of Defense also condemned China and said the act was “the unprofessional and unsafe military conduct” and the Defence Minister Peter Dutton of Australia said it as “aggressive, bullying act.”
These laser acts become very common and there is not any prohibition mentioned in the international statutes to attack through the laser light hence China used it as its weapon. We should learn what laser attacks are.
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What are Laser Attacks?
Nowadays almost every warship has this laser light to aim its enemy or to paint its target before discharging its weapon. The use of these laser lights is mainly to determine the firing range and designate a target just before firing.
Throwing a laser light, now become a hostile act as it can cause dangerous actions and it also has a dangerous impact on Human Eyes ads it could make you blind and it can also affect the navigation system which could be made the system critical.
Such laser was earlier used by us in our school days and at that time we did not know the harmful effects of it but now when it is being used as a weapon is visible.
Why has China done so?
The vessels of these kinds were operated by PLA-N, Chinese Cost Guard, and Chinese Military Vessels. Such a type of laser showing activity has been used by China against the Australian, the US, and other aircraft.
China may be expressing its intention of confiscating the territory or telling the air crafts that they are not welcomed in the South China Sea because the air Crafts of the US, Japan, and France regularly conducted the patrolling in the South China Sea in the name of Freedom of Navigation Operation, or Fonops. The UN Convention statutes have not debarred any country to pass through the Sea under the Sea law but China has been denying it for past years.
China also claimed in 2016, the part of the South China Sea is totally under the Chinese territory within the so-called “nine-dash line” but the claim has been dismissed by the Hague International Court of Justice and implies the UN Convention over the Chinese Maritime but still China hopes to rewrite the law.
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