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04-Feb-2022 , Updated on 2/4/2022 5:49:48 AM
What are the benefits of garlic?
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Who knows the meditative property of Garlic? Let’s read to know.
Garlic has been involved as a part of the kitchens for centuries and it is being used by every Indian Household. The quality of garlic is generally known for the taste it added to food, but also it has some meditative properties which can cure you of many diseases. The herbal property of garlic is due to the presence of a compound called ‘Allicin’. It has antiseptic and antibacterial nature, it is filled with many vitamins and minerals like phosphorus, potassium, Zinc, Magnesium, Vitamin C, K Folate, niacin, and thiamine also found in excessive amounts in garlic.
“Let food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy food”
The above famous words are quoted by the ancient Greek physician Hippocrates, also is called the father of western medicine. He was the person who told the several benefits of garlic in the field of medicine.
It belongs to the allium family which also contains the plants like onions, scallions, leeks, and shallots. Each segment of a garlic bulb is known as a clove and there are about 15 to 20 cloves in a single bulb. It was being used as an herb in ancient India and it has many benefits as are given.
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Health benefits of garlic
Garlic contains the unexpected capability to cure several diseases because it contains phytochemicals such as allicin and organosulfur compound. Its benefits are followed-
Better blood pressure
The regular consumption of garlic may result in the decline of your blood pressure by 10 points and this is because of its anti-inflammatory effect which helps the blood to flow more easily in the human nerves. The practical has done by the scientist when it was taken in a sufficient amount 3 to 4 cloves regularly, the result was found the declination of 10 points than it was before.
Lower Cholesterol
Garlic is an herb that can reduce your cholesterol level and can cure you of cardiovascular disease risk. The research reveals that the consumption of garlic for regular 5 to 6 months could reduce your cholesterol as it was before.
Cure heart diseases
Garlic when it is being consumed by the body it increases the production of nitric oxide which helps the body to reduce the stress of vessels and prevent platelet aggregation. It reduces heart diseases as it reduces blood pressure and cholesterol.
Cold and Flu medication
The study reveals if anyone is facing the flu and cold and in such a situation the consumption of garlic help to reduce the severity and duration of cold and flu symptoms, hence it is especially beneficial during cold days.
Reduce fatigue
Garlic, since the ancient period, has been used to reduce obesity and fatigue and gives a new ability to perform athletic exercises. It was often used by the Greek players and now the modern studies are also showing similar results.
Stronger bones
The research shows that it is also used to make your bone strong and especially in females due to the presence of estrogen which reduces the bone, it helps to keep the hormone level high.
Helps in Digestion
The regular consumption of garlic in the first meal reduces the inflammation of the intestines and improves the health of digestion. The intake of raw garlic helps to clear out intestinal worms and it also destroys the bad bacteria, on the other hand, protects the good bacteria in the gut.
Immunity booster
Garlic consumption is the immunity booster and it keeps your body free from radicals and prevents your DNA from any such attacks. Zinc that is used to present in garlic promotes immunity and Vitamin C helps to fight against infection.
Skin beneficiary
The use of garlic in the face can prevent acne and lightens acne scars. The application of garlic juice in the face will prevent your skin from UV, harmful rays which resulted in aging.
The use of such herbs can reach you to the next level of health hence we all should include the consumption of garlic in our day-to-day life. The current situation, when the deadly virus is deteriorating the health of humanity. We all have garlic in our kitchens, homes but we just lack such knowledge about such miraculous herbs. To keep yourself updated with the knowledge tune in to MindStick YourViews Section.
Also Read: Healthy Ginger and its Healthy Effects
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