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Physical Education a Compulsory Subject in School Curriculum
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Physical Education involves various sports and exercises and is very beneficial for every individual’s health. Adopting a healthy habit is now becoming the need of developing India. The ratio of obesity is increased in teenager and young ages as well.
I think compulsion of Physical Education in School Curriculum would be a good call. It makes kids active and healthy. As nowadays, because of technology maximum children spend their playing and free time playing indoor games like, on mobile phones, computers, Play Station etc. They are becoming lazy due to this increase in technology and less friendly.
Technology has changed their attitude and behavior. So, the introduction of Physical Education will definitely improve their behavior and help them to perform in a team. Physical Education not only makes them fit but also increase their concentration level, teaches them to work in a team and take their win or loss in a sporting way.
It is true that not every student likes sport but a decent amount of sport or physical activity will definitely help him or her to excel in his or her studies. Exercise not only improves fitness level but also increases one’s willpower, determination, and concentration. A strong willpower will always motivate you to do the task with utter dedication and precision.
Physical Education in Schools Curriculum will help every student to understand their strengths and work over it to make it as a career. As we all know there are many teenagers who are enhancing their skills and making their career in sports. The only thing is just to understand your skills and dedicate your maximum time in that and be a motivational example for your society.
Now, schools also promote students for sports and this exposure gives them a confidence and an initial platform to learn basic things. Whereas, for other students, sports work as a refreshment after spending a long hour with the books.
I think Physical Education as a compulsory subject in schools is a good initiative and help teenagers to keep themselves apart from these harmful technical devices.

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