How do climate conditions get worse due to advanced tech and radiation?

5 months ago

How do climate conditions get worse due to advanced tech and radiation?

Climatic conditions keeps on changing in every part of the world. The Climatic conditions are getting worst due to advanced technology and radiations.

Causes of Heat Waves and Climate Change

8 months ago

Causes of Heat Waves and Climate Change

Learn about the Causes of Heat Waves and Climate Change from this post

Heat is killing us. Will climate change kill us?

8 months ago

Heat is killing us. Will climate change kill us?

Heat is killing us. Will climate change kill us? Let's find out more from this post

How can we protect our Climate?

9 months ago

How can we protect our Climate?

Climate change is a growing concern for the whole world. So what can be done?

Impact of rising heat on the future world

9 months ago

Impact of rising heat on the future world

Across the globe, hot days are getting hotter and more frequent, while we’re experiencing fewer cold days. Let's see its impact on future world.

Sky Is No More Blue and Stars No More Shining, Why?

11 months ago

Sky Is No More Blue and Stars No More Shining, Why?

Learn about Sky Is No More Blue and Stars No More Shining in this post

Who is Sonam Wangchuk? led 21 days fast for climate change

11 months ago

Who is Sonam Wangchuk? led 21 days fast for climate change

Climate activist Sonam Wangchuk on Tuesday ended the hunger strike he was leading for the statehood of Ladakh and the protection of the Himalayan ecology.

Threat of Antarctic Expansion over the lives of humans

one year ago

Threat of Antarctic Expansion over the lives of humans

Howеvеr, as global climatе changе continuеs to rеshapе our world, this frozеn еxpansе is not immunе to thе impacts of human activity.

Here are 10 signs showing the earth is going to its end

one year ago

Here are 10 signs showing the earth is going to its end

Thе Earth, our only homе in thе vastnеss of thе univеrsе, has bееn a rеsiliеnt planеt for billions of yеars.

Cyclone Tej about to hit mumbai , that arises in the arabian sea says IMD

one year ago

Cyclone Tej about to hit mumbai , that arises in the arabian sea says IMD

Meteorologists have detected initial indications of a potential cyclonic storm in the Arabian Sea

Climate change and agriculture- Navigating challenges and cultivating resilience

one year ago

Climate change and agriculture- Navigating challenges and cultivating resilience

Thе intеrplay bеtwееn climatе changе and agriculturе has еmеrgеd as onе of thе most prеssing challеngеs of our timе. As the Earth's climatе continues to еvolvе

Explore the reasons behind rising sea levels and coastal vulnerability

one year ago

Explore the reasons behind rising sea levels and coastal vulnerability

The threat, to the worlds coastlines is increasing as sea levels rise presenting a challenge to communities, ecosystems and economies.

What are the reasons behind extreme heat conditions

one year ago

What are the reasons behind extreme heat conditions

In recent years, extreme heat events have become more frequent and intense, impacting communities, ecosystems, and economies worldwide.

How record heat and humidity can be summed up as a deadly combination

one year ago

How record heat and humidity can be summed up as a deadly combination

As climate change continues to make its presence felt worldwide, one of the most concerning consequences is the intensification of extreme weather events.

How cities are adapting to the climate crisis

one year ago

How cities are adapting to the climate crisis

The climate crisis poses an unprecedented threat to our planet and its inhabitants, with rising global temperatures, extreme weather events, and rapidly melting

How you can protect yourself from heat

one year ago

How you can protect yourself from heat

As global temperatures continue to rise due to climate change, extreme heat events are becoming more frequent and intense. Exposure to high temperatures

Role of climate change in increasing flood frequency

one year ago

Role of climate change in increasing flood frequency

Climate change is an undeniable reality that continues to shape the world we live in. The consequences of rising global temperatures are felt in various ways

How development in technology has adverse impact on climate change

one year ago

How development in technology has adverse impact on climate change

Technology has undoubtedly transformed our world, revolutionizing various aspects of our lives. From improved communication to advanced medical treatments

Global efforts to combat climate change- Updates and Initiatives

one year ago

Global efforts to combat climate change- Updates and Initiatives

Climate change is one of the most pressing challenges facing humanity today. It poses significant threats to the environment, economies, and communities

Global Warming and Its Impact on Human Health

2 years ago

Global Warming and Its Impact on Human Health

Climate change is an issue of global importance, and its effects are becoming more pronounced. We’re seeing sea levels rise

How Climate Change Will Affect Businesses

2 years ago

How Climate Change Will Affect Businesses

Climate change is a real and growing threat, one that can no longer be ignored. We are seeing the impacts of climate change in everything

The Himanchal Pradesh flood is a result of climate change

2 years ago

The Himanchal Pradesh flood is a result of climate change

landslide and floods in mountain region became usual and which leads to loss of lives and construction due to change in climate.


2 years ago


Climate change has become the most pressing issue, its primary reason being human activity. Initiative, save soil movement, is started by Sadhguru to save soil.