SEO for wordpress- Best practices and plugins for optimizing your website

9 months ago

SEO for wordpress- Best practices and plugins for optimizing your website

When coupled with effective SEO practices and powerful plugins, WordPress becomes an ideal platform for optimizing your site

Shopify vs Wordpress- Which one is better?
digital marketing

9 months ago

Shopify vs Wordpress- Which one is better?

Shopify, a dedicated e-commerce platform, and WordPress, a versatile content management system (CMS) with e-commerce plugins. Let's discuss two of these.

Wordpress proposal to improve security and performance of plugins
digital marketing

one year ago

Wordpress proposal to improve security and performance of plugins

If you’re a WordPress user, then you know that one of the platform’s most appealing features is its plugin system.

Disadvantages of wordpress website
digital marketing

one year ago

Disadvantages of wordpress website

WordPress is a popular content management system (CMS) that provides a user-friendly platform for website creation

Wordpress Security Scan: How it helps secure your website
digital marketing

one year ago

Wordpress Security Scan: How it helps secure your website

WordPress is a popular content management system (CMS) that allows users to create and manage websites