My Opinions on the Indian Education System

5 months ago

My Opinions on the Indian Education System

The issue of the Indian education system has been a hot topic of discussion.

Bullying: Bruising childhoods.
Bullying: Bruising childhoods.

Disadvantages of bullying and how they affect not only on the mental health of the victims but also on the lives of the abuser. It's important to choose kindnes

The World’s Biggest School System is also One of the Worst

5 years ago

The World’s Biggest School System is also One of the Worst

India running the largest national school system in the world, needs to rise and provide quality education to all children’s.

Over loaded school buses a neglected issue which could led to major fatalities
road safety

6 years ago

Over loaded school buses a neglected issue which could led to major fatalities

The wellbeing of school-going youngsters has been put to hazard in Allahabad as over-burden school transports, vans, and even auto-rickshaw decline t