Congress's Agenda and India's Growth

3 months ago

Congress's Agenda and India's Growth

Examining the Indian National Congress's agendas and their effects on development in India

Savarkar revolutionary ideas- Hindutva and Nationalism

one year ago

Savarkar revolutionary ideas- Hindutva and Nationalism

inayak Damodar Savarkar, popularly known as Veer Savarkar, was a prominent figure in India's struggle for independence. He was not only a freedom fighter

Hijab in Indian school is ban?

2 years ago

Hijab in Indian school is ban?

the view will be covering the topic of Muslim girl that was barred while entering in school and were asked by the principle to not come until you became secular

Hamid Ansari is Against the Hinduism in Hindustan

2 years ago

Hamid Ansari is Against the Hinduism in Hindustan

the view covers the controversial statement said by the former vice president Hamid Ansari in Indian-American Muslim Council in which he criticized the India

Essence Of Patriotism For India

4 years ago

Essence Of Patriotism For India

Patriotism alludes to the enthusiastic love one has for their nation. This excellence pushes to residents of a nation