Vedanta and Modern Pschology

one year ago

Vedanta and Modern Pschology

Modern psychology has a gap in dealing with Vedanta teachings at a fundamental level. We live in the age of psychoanalysis. Since Freud a century ago

Mind according to the Vedas

one year ago

Mind according to the Vedas

Spirit according to the Vedas When we (subjects) perceive an object (or idea), we first develop this object with ourselves. We then classify the object

What does the Veda's say about Meat Eating?

one year ago

What does the Veda's say about Meat Eating?

The first question is, is there any mention of eating meat in Vedic literature? Yes it is. However, these links are not recommended. There are discounts. So

What are the benefits of Tulsi?

2 years ago

What are the benefits of Tulsi?

Basil leave also known as 'Tulsi' is the natural herb available to cure the numerous of diseases of human body and also it is used in Indian homes in worship

"Konark Temple of the Sun" A historical heritage

4 years ago

"Konark Temple of the Sun" A historical heritage

The Sun Temple of Konark, built in the mid-13th century, is a major concept of artistic grandeur and engineering mastery.

Indian scriptures and modern science

4 years ago

Indian scriptures and modern science

The declared main objective of this company is to 'solve death'. That means devising a technique that completely eliminates the possibility of natural death.

Spiritual discussion

4 years ago

Spiritual discussion

This is the time when the world's most fierce war "Mahabharata" has ended. And Dwarika was no longer the same. Although the peacock was still adorned in the crown of Krishna, but some hair was now white.