Congress's Agenda and India's Growth

6 months ago

Congress's Agenda and India's Growth

Examining the Indian National Congress's agendas and their effects on development in India

Lets have a clear sight in Exit poll 2023 and position of BJP

one year ago

Lets have a clear sight in Exit poll 2023 and position of BJP

Thе 2023 Indian gеnеral еlеction was hеld in fivе phasеs from April 11 to May 12, 2023. Thе counting of votеs took placе on May 23, 2023.

India must become a self reliant nation- Why?
indian economy

one year ago

India must become a self reliant nation- Why?

Self-reliant India is a dynamic concept, it will never stand still. When asked whether India should entice companies currently involved in China

Absence Of Tax Regime Under Coronavirus Lockdown

4 years ago

Absence Of Tax Regime Under Coronavirus Lockdown

There is clearly an absence of a tax regime under this coronavirus lockdown.