Why did Israel attack Rafah? celebrities respond
global issues

8 months ago

Why did Israel attack Rafah? celebrities respond

Indian celebrities support Gaza amid conflict. Israel targets Rafah for security, drawing global criticism for civilian suffering.

Israel evacuating people from Gaza after rising attacks by Hamas
Israel evacuating people from Gaza after rising attacks by Hamas

Israеl's armеd forcеs havе issuеd a dirеctivе to еvacuatе thе northеrn part of Gaza, which is populatеd by approximatеly 1.1 million individuals

Israel- Palestine War Highlights: Mass grave inside Israeli-encircled Gaza hospital
Israel- Palestine War Highlights: Mass grave inside Israeli-encircled Gaza hospital

Within the confines of Al Shifa Hospital in Gaza, patients and medical professionals are currently unable to leave due to Israeli encirclement.