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By Vansh Pandit
one month ago
Does Ayurveda Have Cancer Cure Treatment?
In cancer treatment, there are no small margins for error, and the obstacles can be high.
11 months ago
Indian boy who performed surgery at 7 became the world's youngest surgeon
Akrit Pan Jaswal is the name of a young boy who is known to be the youngest surgeon whose accomplishments are no less than miracle.
11 months ago
Does Ayurveda have a better option than Chemotherapy?
Research is looking into whether some herbs or plant treatments used in Ayurvedic medicine could help to prevent or treat cancer. But, is it possible?
By Niyati Thole
2 years ago
Types of Cancer Treatment
chemotherapy (chemo) This powerful drug stops cancer from spreading, slows its growth or even kills cancer cells. It can cause side effects because
By Niyati Thole
2 years ago
Does Vaping Cause Lung Cancer?
Electronic cigarettes, or e-cigarettes, deliver nicotine into your lungs and bloodstream. And without the smoke and tar of a normal cigarette.
2 years ago
Amazing Health Benefits of Neem
the view will be covering the topic of natural herb and Indian origin plant called Neem which can be consumed in raw form to extract the benefits for health
2 years ago
what happens if you eat ginger every day a month?
the view will be covering the effects of ginger when eaten daily before meal continuous month and other effects that will keep your body far away from death
4 years ago
Essence Of World Rose Day
World Rose Day is celebrated every year on 25 September to treat human victims and share their grief with cancer. Its purpose is to inspire people fighting canc
4 years ago
World Cancer Day: Cancer Is Still A Challenge For Us
One of the deadliest reasons behind anyone's death is Cancer where people just tend to find the final route of survival before meeting the sad death.
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