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Does Vaping Cause Lung Cancer?
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Electronic cigarettes, or e-cigarettes, deliver nicotine into your lungs and bloodstream. And without the smoke and tar of a normal cigarette. But other harmful things can also enter your body while vaping. This is especially true if you use flavored cigarettes
Electronic cigarettes, sometimes called vapes, run on batteries and heat nicotine, flavorings, and other chemicals. They turn them into a vapor that you can inhale. Many chemicals that can cause cancer are contained in this vapor. This includes formaldehyde, heavy metals, and particles that can get trapped in the deepest parts of the lungs. It's hard to know how many of these chemicals you are inhaling when vaping.
Levels are generally lower in e-cigarettes than in regular cigarettes. However, some studies show that high-voltage e-cigarettes contain more formaldehyde and other toxins than standard e-cigarettes. Additionally, certain chemicals like diacetyl, formaldehyde, and acrolein in e-cigarettes can irritate the airways in your lungs. This can cause problems.
Studies have shown that flavorings like cinnamon can also cause inflammation of lung cells. However, more research is needed to understand the long-term health risks of vaping.
Popcorn lungs
A chemical in some vape flavors is a buttery flavored product called diacetyl. It has been linked to a serious lung condition called bronchiolitis obliterans. It is also known as popcorn lung. The disease gets its name from the fact that people who worked in a microwave popcorn factory developed serious lung problems from inhaling diacetyl. It has been used to flavor popcorn, caramel, and dairy products.
The way the chemical is inhaled with e-cigarettes is very similar to the way microwave popcorn factory workers inhaled it.
The chemical can cause a dry cough that doesn't go away. It also causes shortness of breath, wheezing, headache, fever, aches, and other health problems. The fumes can also irritate the eyes, skin, nose, and throat.
Diacetyl marks the tiny air sacs in the lungs. This makes your airways thick and narrow.
After the link between diacetyl and lung disease was found, many popcorn companies removed the chemical from their products. But it's still used in many e-cigarette flavors, including vanilla, maple, and coconut. It is also found in many alcohols, candy, and fruit-flavored e-cigarettes.
These are choices that often appeal to children, teenagers, and young adults. There is no cure for popcorn lung, but certain medications can help prevent it from getting worse. These include certain types of antibiotics, steroids to calm the inflammation in your lungs, and drugs to slow down your immune system.
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