Read like Your Story

3 years ago

Read like Your Story

Where there is a will, there is a way! Hey Bob! How's your life? Britney Stevens inquired her friend in an expectation of being asked the same in return!

Dear Diary

4 years ago

Dear Diary

Dear diary, disclosed all her heartfelt and frayed flakes of a life.

Fathe's journey in the life of a Girl.

4 years ago

Fathe's journey in the life of a Girl.

There was so much happiness that nothing else came out of the mouth. Just in zeal and emotion, I gave the tahsildar sahib a loud hug and hugged him like Amarbel. Their way of giving gifts is also strange.

A Story on Reservation

4 years ago

A Story on Reservation

The reservation system finds its origin in the age-old caste system of India. The caste system at its birth was meant to divide people on the basis of their occupation like teaching and preaching (Brahmins), kingship and war (Kshatriya) and lastly b