Explanation of Islam with the eyes of Jihadists

17-Oct-2024, Updated on 10/17/2024 2:57:32 AM

Explanation of Islam with the eyes of Jihadists

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To grasp the teaching of Islam as Jihadists which is done generally, a comprehension of the practices and beliefs of billions of Muslims associated with it.

The enemy perverts Islamic texts to rationalise their barbaric deeds and terrorist acts, and it is clear that these people act in a very un-Islamic way.

Let’s learn more about how the work they have is using a religion that is calm and harmless for their interest.

Before looking into how Jihadists perceive it, let’s look at what Jihad entails in Islam in the first place. From the Arabic root 'jihad,’ Jihad means the effort or struggle to abide by divine precepts, which include the effort to eliminate evil deeds that are within one’s character and endeavour towards positive change. It can also entail apologetics, but always with the purpose of self-defence—not retaliation.

This problem is based on how Jihadists have distorted this notion. They will pick just any quarrel that suits them from the Islamic texts to justify their acts of violence and define Jihad only as a war and/or bloodshed. This version, through which Jihad turns into a call to violence across the entire world, is as far from the actual teachings of Islam as it gets, but it works perfectly for them.

To Jihadists, Islam is an instrument of social upheaval. It is just us versus them: the true non-Muslims and even the hypocritical Muslims are enemies of these. This idea of division is against the norms of peace and justice in ISLAM and also against the tolerance that is preached by ISLAM.

One of the most disastrous mistakes is incorrectly interpreting terms from the Quran, such as "kafir,” meaning a non-believer. The terrorists take the surahs regarding other people, take them out of context, and they are all claiming we all must be killed. In fact, that is what Islam truly says—judgement that is reserved for God and the promotion of living in harmony with others, including non-Muslims. While peaceful Sufis derive such lessons, jihadists radicalise those teachings to say more about violence.

To Jihadists, Islam is no more than a religion—but a powerful political weapon at their disposal. The dünyanın ISIS, al-Qaeda ve Taliban gibi düzenleri, dini açılımlarla duyur ve saldırganlık kucakları. They say they are fighting for Islam and defending it against its enemies; in reality, they are fighting for their own agenda—political. It is entirely for a totalitarian rule, and they camouflage it under Islam’s banner.

Recall how the ISIS perform their terrorism in the form of beheading, suicide bombing, or every trace of a shooting; they justify it as a religious obligation. In fact, all of them are strategies of power, dressed up as religion. Islamic terrorists have undergone a kind of socialisation that mapped violence as the way to reclaim an Islamic state.

Recruitment of JI operatives as well as the process of radicalisation of the operatives To understand Rad for recruit, it is necessary to be knowledgeable about the JI’s modus operandi for the recruitment of its operatives and for the radicalisation of these operatives.

Al Qaeda chooses the affected for recruitment. The jihadists target the vulnerable for recruitment. Especies de víctimas buscan propósito en una religión que busca pintar la violencia como la ruta correcta en el islamismo. They promise young recruits that if they go and blow themselves up, they will be martyrs and will get their rewards in the next life, but it is so sad. The focus is on such an important aspect because people become mere tools for other individuals and even whole religious groups.

Conclusion: Islam vs. Jihadism

The form of Islam that Jihadists practice is a terrorist and politically inclined version of the faith. Of course, the overwhelming number of Muslims does not accept this distorted view that is opposed to all tolerance, peace, and justice provided by Islamic teachings. The current jihadists have worn the mask of Islam and used it for these political struggles; the acts contradict the spirit of Islamic teachings.

Islam is a religion of equanimity, symbonyry, and reverence for the spirit of life. They don’t preach Islam; they preach a sort of warped desire for power masquerading as religion.

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