Defining Humanity As Given In Sanatan Dharma: Best In world

25-Jul-2024, Updated on 7/25/2024 10:27:36 PM

Defining Humanity As Given In Sanatan Dharma: Best In world

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Sanatana dharma is a term used to consult the "everlasting" or absolute set of duties or Dharmic-mandated practices that all of us, regardless of class, caste, or sect, should follow. The duties vary in keeping with the textual content, however, in general, Sanatana dharma incorporates values including honesty, refraining from harming residing beings, purity, benevolence, mercy, persistence, forbearance, self-restraint, generosity, and asceticism. 

In recent times, seculars and revisionists say that 'Humanity' is not related to religions, that humanity is the greatest of all religions and many others. However, they pass over the basic knowledge of Vedas. This best indicates the lack of understanding of what Hindu Dharma is. As well as what are the 'shastra'.  Shastra is not about blindly parroting verses or following rituals. Adi Sankara Shri Adi Shankaracharya ji, one of the greatest saints who revived our eternal Vedic culture) says that if there had been no shastras (canonical scriptures) then there might be no difference between humans and animals i.e. Human beings might be living animal-likes existence without shastras. 

Contradictory to the popular notion that 'humanity' is the finest religion, it is the scriptures that make us live like humans. Humanity is simply one issue of scriptures, it isn't the give up of the road. Abiding in peace & bliss and a non-twin state of awareness is the excellent aim of Life. The unborn best reality of Sanatan Dharma is called as brahman, that is sat (reality), chit (natural attention) and Anand (everlasting bliss). Corrupt practices, rigidity, false impressions of Shastra-s and committing crimes within the name of Sanatan Dharma no longer make  Sanatan Dharma the religion of woodland dwellers. The very course of Advaita is such that violence will automatically drop from the coronary heart of the meditator. Bhagavan in Bhagawata GEETA asks us to live impartial to likes and dislikes, expand 6 qualities like restrain and control of mind, have persistence, have faith, and so on, and develop fourfold qualities like

  • discrimination (viveka),
  • dispassion (vairagya),
  • shama (manage over senses),
  • dama (control over mind),
  • uparati (saturation, persistence)
  • titikshA (staying neutral to likes and dislikes)
  • Shraddha (faith in the guru, God, scriptures and yourself. You should hold religion for your choice to develop spiritually)
  • Samadhana (to stay in a focused country of samadhi or to stay focused on purpose)

A person who believes in Vedas detaches himself/herself from outside and inner (mental) objects and dreams. It is an established reality that as sattva guna (mode of goodness) will increase, divine traits like compassion, forgiveness, unconditional love, peace, and so on) will increase and become foremost guna even as lower animal characteristics progressively fade away. 

Hence there's no question of a person who has faith in Vedas, practising or preaching violence. Here the phrase ‘violence’ means to behave or assume to wound or destroy others. ‘Violence’ is the detrimental technique of existence. We ought to now not to take phrases actually and argue that even breathing is violent because it kills microorganisms. This is defined in an element in the later section ‘Nonviolence and Vegetarianism’. To understand in a higher manner, one has to believe in the existence of Vedas.

 Sanatan Dharma approaches Righteousness.  We, the indolent humans, have not grasped the medical beauty of Sanatana Dharma. It guarantees everybody the right to agree with, suppose, and act freely. It desires to liberate anyone. It does not divide humanity in God's call. It would not trust in religious conversion. It does not mean that it is the single correct solution and that all others are wrong. It no longer pushes for non-secular battles. It no longer calls for minorities to be persecuted. It accepts atheists. It accepts all Gods and all God's thoughts. It believes in the concept of harmony in diversity. It has an inclusive tradition. It is consistent with both faith and technology. It enables reform and evolution. It possesses the final religious information able to liberate humans. It works to sell typical, human, and spiritual ideas. As a result, it's miles pleasant for humanity.

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