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28-May-2024, Updated on 5/29/2024 3:03:09 AM
How Much Alcohol Can Kill You?
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It is difficult to pinpoint the amount of alcohol that can be lethal to an individual. It is not something that might come to your mind in quite a few circumstances, for instance when you are having a few beers and the company of a few of your friends. However, knowing when your tolerance level is low and when you have had enough that your physical state is deteriorating is something that cannot be ignored.
Eating and drinking are inseparable events in human life and alcohol is a natural part of people’s life, meetings, festive events, and even ordinary evenings at home. Although, it is socially acceptable for individuals to consume moderate amounts of alcohol, the difference between having a bottle of beer and overdosing is thin. Everyone should improve their knowledge about what overconsumption is and what signals indicate that a person might be at risk and then be able to help them.
No Straight Answer
Despite the general impact associated with the consumption of alcohol, there are several factors that determine the results in different people. Some of these factors are age, weight, sex assigned at birth , body water content, enzyme metabolism and any medications that one may be taking. The liver metabolizes alcohol at a rate of approximately one standard drink per hour. Because of this fluctuation the exact average amount that one cannot afford to drank so as not to be lethal is quite hard to set.
Factors Influencing Alcohol Tolerance
Age and Weight
Many people do not realize that age and weight significantly affect how the substance impacts the system. Lighter weight people and older adults tend to have a lower tolerance.
Sex Assigned at Birth
For instance, enzyme production prompts that individuals who have been identified as male from birth to clear alcohol from their bloodstream much faster than the female counterparts.
Water Composition and Enzymes
Higher body water content and specific enzymes therefore help in the metabolism of Alcohol in the human body. Alcohol’s effects may also be affected by medication.
Drinking Pace
Moderation of a drink also means taking large intervals between drinks where the Liver has ample time to metabolize the Alcohol.
Lethal BAC: Is There Such a Thing?
Since the body of the law does not precisely define the phrase ‘physical incapacity’, the term refers to a per se BAC of 0. That is, ethanol concentration greater than forty percent is potentially lethal; it might cause coma or death. BAC levels between 0. 08 and 0. Hence, 40 percent can lead to some impressive degree of disability, such as confusion, drowsiness, and nausea. On this subject, it is important to know that 08 percent BAC is the legal intoxication limit.
Recognizing an Overdose
Most people find the term overdose familiar when related to drug use; however, an alcohol overdose is another common issue.
An alcohol overdose happens when the concentration of alcohol in the blood hampers the brain’s capacity to manage basic human life-sustaining processes; breathing and pulse. Signs of ablation are confusion, the inability to remain awake, vomiting, seizures, slow breathing, icy skin, reduced reflexes, and severe hypothermia. The worst that can happen in this condition is that one develops a permanent brain damage or dies.
If you are noticing the following signs, do not hesitate to call an ambulance and stay with the person waiting for the help to arrive especially when the signs include difficulties in breathing or losing consciousness.
Smart Drinking Tips
Eat Before Drinking
So, food slows the impact of alcohol from the system by decreasing the rate at which alcohol is absorbed from the stomach into the bloodstream.
Stay Hydrated
It is recommended that you also take water when taking alcohol because water will assist in the digestion of the alcohol.
Pace Yourself
Avoid taking excessive quantity of alcohol by gradually taking a bottle at intervals of one hour so as to allow the liver time to digest the consumed alcohol.
These can lead to the fast consumption of the substance in question and the chances of being an addict are greatly enhanced.
Know Your Limits
It is also important that you learn your own limit that is withing your body’s exercise endurance level rather than trying to compete with others.
Avoid Mixing Substances
Ingesting alcohol and caffeine or mixing alcohol with drugs and other medicines can prove to be lethal.
Acting Quickly
Overdose as a result of consuming drugs or alcohol can be a very serious condition and if one finds him or herself in this position the following is advisable to do.
In case you think that someone has taken more than they should, call an emergency. For alcohol, specify the type of alcohol and the quantity consumed as well as other substances consumed, in addition, history of the patient’s health. Calm the person down and ensure that they sit or are partially standing on the ground. Teach them how to dodge if they are vomiting so as not to choke on their vomit. Never leave them alone.
Preventive Measures
Help with caution and keep an eye out for indications that one is overdosing. Do not think that an unconscious person will wake up to find her or his senses; that is not true! Alcohol concentrations in the body may go on to increase after cessation of alcohol consumption resulting in fatal consequences.
Alcohol is a product that people in different measures can take in different value levels. Limiting oneself to not go beyond one’s capacity and understanding the symptoms of alcohol poisoning are important ways of practicing safe drinking. Instead of trying to put up with your own threshold equivalent to your friend’s drinking level, avoid such a precedence. If you are aware of these limits and make a point of observing them, you will be safe and able to drink without risking suffering a life-threatening experience.
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