Emmanuel Macron Met his Rival Marine Le Pen in TV Presidential Debate

Emmanuel Macron Met his Rival Marine Le Pen in TV Presidential Debate

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Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen clashed in a TV Presidential debate

 France President Election fest is going on and people are making fun of their leaders on many international points, some people commented that Ruling President is a supporter of Russia's action over Ukraine and some said the leader didn’t think about climate change.

Emmanuel Macron Met his Rival Marine Le Pen in TV Presidential Debate

In a TV debate between the two candidates, Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen sit in front of other and debate over some of the points which were about the Country’s welfare.

The debate of both the candidates was watched by 15.6 million people in which Mr. Macron accused his rival of being dependent on Russian Power while marine Le Pen called him a hypocrite on climate change.

Many people are still not clear about their vote and the future of both the candidate but as per the polls by news agencies, leader Marine Le Pen has fallen behind centrist Emmanuel Macron in the opinions polls but millions of people are still living in disguise.

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The hiking prices of the market immediately take the center of attraction and became the main point of the debate. The ruling president Macron was widely seen as the winner of the pair’s 2017 encounter, in which his rival got frustrated and underprepared. This time Marine Le Pen is ready and gain some experience from the past.

During the debate, Le Pen said 70% of the people believed their standard of living had fallen over the past five years and she promised she would be the president of civil peace and national fraternity “We need to give priority to the French in their own country,” Le Pen said.

Emmanuel Macron Met his Rival Marine Le Pen in TV Presidential Debate

They have also talked about the Russia-Ukraine War and blamed each other in the support and against Russia, Russia was “going down through a fatal path” and the role of France and Europe to provide Ukraine with military equipment and take in refugees.

An election is a process with which we got to know that we are the body that is involved in the ruling of the country and such ruling should be directly in our favor of us.

Also Read: Ukraine denied a helicopter attack on a Russian fuel depot

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Economics can be broken down into microeconomics, which looks at individual decisions, and macroeconomics, which is concerned with the economy as a whole. Both types of economics utilize historical tr . . .

