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03-Feb-2022 , Updated on 2/3/2022 7:00:31 AM
Afghan universities and its boundaries for female students
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Afghanistan Universities are opening their gate for female students but with strict rules.
Afghanistan is a country where the majority of the population is Muslim and also the Muslim who follow the strict rules of the Quran, the holy book of Islam Religion. Afghanistan has been encroached by the Taliban in 2021 by its government. The invasion of Afghanistan is the result of removing the American Force from the country. The country was earlier used to be under the ruling of the Taliban hence the ruling was in the practice to its citizens. Afghanistan, after its invasion by the Taliban, banned female education in the country and also banned working for women in government offices including with the private sector. The ruling of Afghanistan by the Taliban is teaching the chapter of quality over freedom and murdering the Democracy in the country.
After banning the educational institutes in the country for the female student in 2021, it reopened the colleges and schools for the female but they have still not shown equality between the genders of the country. The top university in the country is named Nangarhar University has revealed the news of the reopening of universities and colleges for females and males both but with strict regulations.
Khalil Ahmad Bihsudwal being the head of the Nangarhar University also a Talibani told the news to Reuter’s male and female students at the institution would attend separate classes.
The concern of education to any country should be at the top of all concerns and hence the Taliban should also understand such a crucial agenda in its governing to ensure the education for every section and every gender of the country.
The apprehension of education in the country is such inside the student that they are not able to deal with it. One medical student is telling her words as “Only our studying shifts are separated, although we have been told not to walk around the university until the boy’s time is complete.” She also added, “Despite all the changes and conditions, I still want to continue because my education should not be incomplete.”
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The minister of the Taliban also has revealed similar news to the news reports from which it has been very clear that it is making some changes and working towards the development of the country and its citizens, but still the thinking of the Taliban towards are not changed.
The International Human Rights Commission should increase the pressure in the matter of Afghanistan and should amend the Taliban ruling over the concern of Education and Medical.
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