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31-Jan-2022 , Updated on 1/31/2022 10:50:29 PM
North Korea fires longest range ballistic missile since 2017
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North Korea fires longest-range missile since 2017.
Nuclear power in today’s world has emerged as a significant power in modern war and this is the reason every nation is working to boost its nuclear space. International treaties and conventions are focused on international peace and humanity over war and destruction. Several meetings were held at the international level to avoid the test of a nuclear explosion in its country. They all became ineffective in the context of holding every country of the UN. Many countries are still tasting missiles and nuclear weapons to enhance their defensive power in the international aspect.
Recently North Korea, the well-known nation for its tests of nuclear power and missiles, again has launched the longest-range ballistic missile featured with hypersonic technology and can go with the speed of 20 times than sound. The South Korean President Moon Jae-in and Japan’s office have confirmed the test and revealed the details of the missile. It reached a height of 2,000 KM with a range of 800 Km before falling into the waters of the east coast of the Korean Peninsula.
Joseph Dempsey said “if the missile were fired at a normal apogee, its range would be up to 3,500 Km to 5,500 Km, making it an Intermediate Range Ballistic Missile and North Korea’s longest test since 2017,” told Joseph, a research associate for defense and military analysis at the international institute for strategic studies in London and told this to CNN.
The information also released a fact that the tested missile IRBM is capable to strike the US territory of Guam in the Pacific Ocean. This test is the starting of all upcoming tests, the information was told by the US official which stated that tests that have been suspended by North Korea have started now and this is the first in 2022. A long series of tests are awaiting by the world in 2022.
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The test by North Korea has never accepted the International Community Pressure while the testing program as it conducted its tests one before another. The US and other superpowers have released multiple warning statements for North Korea but not even a single has affected its testing series.
The President of North Korea, Moon has recently called an emergency meeting of the National Security Council after witnessing Sunday’s launch. Such steps are showing the fear of North Korea among its neighbors and world. It also said that North Korea can also use the strategy as same in 2017. Pyongyang has already been barred by International Law from developing Ballistic missiles and nuclear weapons but even after Kim Jong has never stopped from testing.
North Korea is a country that has been continuously making tests that showed its attitude towards such obligations by the international agencies. One of the statements which were given by the Foreign Minister of North Korea’s Spokesperson said “if the US adopts such a confrontational stance, the DPRK will be forced to take stronger and certain reaction to it,” said when Washington for its posture against Pyongyang’s Weapon Development. The statement was said under the shadow of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.
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