What is the way to stop snoring?

26-Mar-2021, Updated on 3/27/2021 3:17:38 AM

What is the way to stop snoring?

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Breaking the silenceof the night, he is calling continuously or intermittently in a strange voice. The sound is ever-increasing and sometimes decreasing. Someone's nose is calling. If not in the next room, he closed the doors and windows, left the song in a light sound, and somehow survived.

But if you sleep in the same bed with someone who sniffs! Alas, the night's sleep is absolutely dafarpha! It's just that I'm listening to his condition. But the one who calls the nose, what about him?

Doctors say nasal congestion can be a sign of many other health problems, including high blood pressure and even the risk of stroke. The nose-ear-throat specialist surgeon at The Private Clinic in London has given nine reasons for nasal congestion and its remedies.

Don't tell alcohol:

Drinking too much alcohol can cause a runny nose. Alcohol relaxes the muscles of the tongue, causing the respiratory tract to constrict and causing nasal congestion. Attempts can be made to overcome this problem by refraining from drinking alcohol before going to bed at night.

Quit smoking:

Smoking causes some respiratory complications. Smoking can also cause swelling of a special type of nasal tissue called turbinates, which can lead to respiratory complications. These two side effects of smoking can cause nasal congestion. Getting rid of the bad habits of smoking will not only help you and your partner get a good night's sleep, it will also help to dramatically improve your overall health.

Avoid spicy foods:

Eating too much spicy food can trigger an acid reaction in the stomach. Many studies have shown that nasal congestion is associated with such problems. If you can't find the cause of the runny nose, then what is the harm in reducing the amount of spices in the food and checking the matter.

 Reduce excess weight:

Excess weight is one of the most common causes of a runny nose. The heavier you weigh, the more likely you are to have a runny nose. And the sound of people sniffing too much is too much. Trying to lose weight. Even if you can lose a few kilograms of weight, it may be clear to you that you should not blow your nose.

 Change bed posture:

Those who have a runny nose can get rid of the habit of lying on their backs in bed. And if you are embarrassed to be leaning over and eating your partner's sting, then lie down with your back to your partner. Putting a tennis ball around your waist in your pajamas can automatically relieve you. This can reduce or stop nasal congestion.

 Keep the bed clean:

If there is too much dust on the bed sheets, if the house is too dirty, there are breathing problems. In this situation, the nasal passages become infected and the nasal muscles become swollen and a runny nose may start. So it is very important to keep the bedding and the house clean and tidy. This is healthy and it is good for sleep. And runny nose can be removed.

 Find the biological cause:

According to medical science, there are three main biological causes of a runny nose. Having a thick soft coating in the nasal passages, partial narrowing of the nasal passages for any other reason, and narrowing of the airways behind the tongue. If you can't find the real reason, you won't get rid of it. If a general practitioner cannot help with this, consult a nose-ear-throat specialist.

 Find out the nose or throat:

It is important to make sure that you are doing it with your nose or throat. In many cases, the two can be together again. However, if you have a problem with either the nose or the throat, you can safely skip any of the nasal drops or throat spray.

 Permanent solution:

If you are tired of trying all sorts of tips and tricks or if you are embarrassed about it, then move on to a permanent solution. Go to a nose-ear-throat surgeon. It is now possible to treat laryngeal constriction of the airways behind the nose and tongue. This operation using local anesthetics is not very time-consuming. But of course, it has to be an under-skilled surgical specialist.

Mad or Mandibular Advance Device:

This device pulls your lower jaw forward without any additional hassle during sleep. As a result, your upper jaw expands enough and you do not have any problem breathing. When there is no problem with breathing (which is one of the reasons for nasal congestion), there is no question of nasal congestion.

Nose spray:

If you have a runny nose or a cold, keep your nose clean. For this, you can use homemade nasal spray. To make the spray, mix two tablespoons of salt with one cup of pure water. Now spray it on the nose. The cold will go away. The problem of snoring will also be eliminated.

Tongue and throat exercises:

You can get the help of several instruments to do pocket exercises. These are available to buy in the market. But to do throat exercises-

A. Pronounce the English letters aloud

B. Bend the jaw to the right and left for half a minute.

C. Push it with the back pocket of the front tooth.

This way your tongue and throat will be smoother and you will also get rid of the problem of snoring by doing these exercises regularly.

Written By
Hi, I am Dr. Sarah Smith. I am a Health Contents Writer and a Health Specialist. I try to give the people various health tips for a better life and a healthy life

