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17-Feb-2021, Updated on 2/17/2021 11:07:09 AM
Akhand Bharat : Will it be into existence again?
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Hindu nationalists were possessed long dreamt for the Greater India. They aspire and hope to reassemble a country matching the importance, recognition, and glory of ancient India – Akhand Bharat (Undivided India) and Hindu Rashtra (Hindu Nation). RSS and BJP administrators have repeatedly raised these objectives broadly to the fluster of India’s secularists. There is no doubt both operations are daring and fascinate many Hindus and the Hindus living in the boundaries of the country.
But both are condemned to downfall. Recreating Akhand Bharat is idealistic, and re-establishing a Hindu Rashtra is ultimately challenging. Still, the intention of establishing Greater India has some possibility of achievement by shaping an association of like-minded countries, a Bharat Mahasangh.
Akhand Bharat, in its vastly extended version, is considered to comprise territories that constituted the 3rd century BC dynasty of Chandragupta Maurya. This would merge the modern world countries of Afghanistan, Pakistan, Srilanka, Nepal, Bhutan, and Bangladesh. One can instantly see that such a driving project is an illusion.
However, RSS and BJP leaders have endlessly found speaking about reunifying India with Pakistan and Bangladesh, and all the other neighboring countries. In 1965, Jansangh sanctioned a determination that “Akhand Bharat will be a reality, unifying all the countries. In the year 2012, before coming to the office Prime Minister Narendra Modi illustrated his party’s objectives, that Akhand Bharat doesn't mean we wage war with any other country - without the battle, through prominent agreement, it can result … We can definitely call it Sanskritik Bharat (Cultural Bharat).”
RSS promoter and Bharatiya Jansangh leader Pandit Deen Dayal Upadhyay yet further interpreted the intention of Akhand Bharat. He said, “The word 'Akhand Bharat' (undivided India) involves all those vital importance of patriotism and a significant culture.”
BJP and the Evolution!
Indian people's party, the Pro-Hindu political team after the post-independence of India. The party has appreciated widespread support among leaders of the upper castes. It had given rise to their efforts to entice consent from lower castes, mainly through the nomination of several lower-caste leaders to promising party roles.
The BJP facilitated Hindutva, the beliefs that sought to distinguish Indian culture in stints of Hindu moralities, and it was highly meaningful for the secular strategies and methods of the Indian National Congress.
In 2014 Lok Sabha elections grew out to be BJP’s success their achievement began to rise, primarily because of growing dissatisfaction with the Congress Party and their rule. Narendra Damodardas Modi, one of the longest-reigning Chief Minister of Gujarat state, was assigned to lead the BJP electoral movement & became the Prime Minister of India to lead in the right direction.
A New Hope?
The story of success was into existence when the Chief Minister of Tripura Biplab Kumar Deb said that Central Home Minister Amit Shah wishes to enhance the BJP’s shades in the neighboring nations like Nepal and Sri Lanka, this brought a smile on every Hindu Nationalist person.
Dealing with party leaders in Agartala, the Tripura CM stated that during his previous visit to the state, Shah told that BJP must have to broaden beyond the boundaries of India.
When the honorable home minister was the party president, we had met before at the Tripura state guest. That time somebody amongst us asked him that how will BJP in power among the different states of India now. Acknowledging him he stated back that, "Nepal and Sri Lanka were still left. We still need to take our party into those countries and win them!” Deb explained to the BJP workers.
Tripura's chief minister applauded Amit Shah’s supervision and his wisdom for BJP’s growth beyond the boundaries of the country.
“One who is carrying such an extreme enthusiasm, exceptional perception that the BJP party needs to widen across the planet and under his and PM Modi's leadership, BJP could become the world’s enormous party,” Deb added.
Concern Over the Statement!
Now after a day, Nepal has raised a formal criticism of the assertion. Nepal's foreign minister Pradeep Kumar Gyawali ensured that the Government of Nepal has disseminated its formal objection to the statements by India's governing party leader.
The dream of making India again a Hindu Rashtra is in every Hindu Nationalists' mind and yet hopes to be fulfilled soon.
A beautifully written poem by one of the most powerful BJP leader Late. Shri. Atal Bihari Vajpayee -
'पन्द्रह अगस्त का दिन कहता, आजादी अभी अधूरी है।
सपने सच होने बाकी हैं, रावी की शपथ न पूरी है॥
जिनकी लाशों पर पग धर कर, आजादी भारत में आई।
वे अब तक हैं खानाबदोश, गम की काली बदली छाई॥
कलकत्ते के फुटपाथों पर, जो आंधी-पानी सहते हैं।
उनसे पूछो, पंद्रह अगस्त के बारे में क्या कहते हैं॥
हिन्दू के नाते उनका दुख सुनते, यदि तुम्हें लाज आती।
तो सीमा के उस पार चलो, सभ्यता जहां कुचली जाती॥
इंसान जहां बेचा जाता, ईमान खरीदा जाता है।
इस्लाम सिसकिया भरता है, डॉलर मन में मुस्काता है॥
भूखों को गोली नंगों को हथियार पिन्हाए जाते हैं।
सूखे कण् ों से जेहादी नारे लगवाए जाते हैं॥
लाहौर, कराची, ढाका पर मातम की है काली छाया।
पख़्तूनों पर, गिलगित पर है गमगीन गुलामी का साया॥
बस इसीलिए तो कहता हूं आजादी अभी अधूरी है।
कैसे उल्लास मनाऊं मैं? थोड़े दिन की मजबूरी है॥
दिन दूर नहीं खंडित भारत को पुनः अखंड बनाएंगे।
गिलगित से गारो पर्वत तक आजादी पर्व मनाएंगे॥
उस स्वर्ण दिवस के लिए आज से कमर कसें बलिदान करें।
जो पाया उसमें खो न जाएं, जो खोया उसका ध्यान करें॥
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