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India's K Missile Family
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Former President Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam got the image as Missile Man of India in the country and the world. In his memory or honor, the codename of India's 'K Missile Family' has been kept, which has been launched from the Arihant category of a nuclear submarine.
As recently India has successfully tested its nuclear-powered Shaurya missile. Since then, there has been an interest in India's missiles.
It is a land-based K-15 missile parallel to Submarine. How important is this K missile family from a strategic point of view? What is this in the family asl and what are all the things to know about them?
These are submarine-launched ballistic missiles (SLBMs). They have been developed by the Defense Research and Development Institute (DRDO) and are named after Dr. Kalam.
The program for the development of these missiles began in the 1990s and was part of India's ambition to develop missiles of nuclear capability that could be launched from land, sea and air.
K family variants
Now that these missiles can be launched from submarines, submarines are relatively light, small and non-catchable (compared to ground series missiles with Agni series). Although most of the missiles of the K family are submarine launches, its ground and air variants have also been developed by DRDO. As recently tested, it is the land variant of the Shaurya missile, SLBM K-15 Sagarika, which has a range of at least 750 km.
What is the K-family range?
India has successfully tested K-4 missiles many times before, with a range of up to 3500 km. According to the news, the missiles of the K-5 and K-6 codenames are being developed, their range will be 5000 and 6000 kilometers. The initial development program for the K-15 and K-4 missiles began in the 2010s.
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What is strategic importance?
India's policy regarding missiles is that it will not take 'attack initiative' from them. Despite this, these missiles are important in the development of three-stage nuclear power to respond to the enemy and to strengthen security. By having sea-based, underwater nuclear-capable attack missiles, India has double the strength in terms of nuclear power.
The importance of these missiles is also that they not only serve in the first attack but can also be used in a counter-attack. These nuclear explosive missiles can be launched through the submarines of the Arihant class.
What do these missiles need?
These missiles are important for India, but why are they needed? In India, Pakistan and China, along with both neighboring and enemy countries, are also at war on the sea.
On one hand, China has developed several submarines with nuclear capability, so K-family missiles become extremely important and important for India to retaliate. On the other hand, India's pan becomes heavier than Pakistan.
Significantly, INS Arihant became fully operational in November 2018. Then the Prime Minister of India had said that it is a great success to answer the countries which use nuclear power for blackmailing and threatening. It is also important that since the missiles of the K family are projects of confidential nature, a lot of information about them has not been revealed.

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