Why Do We Sweat ? Know Problems Related To It


Why Do We Sweat ? Know Problems Related To It

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Sweat is usually associated with hot weather. It is also seen many times associated with anxiety, hard work, and a very difficult situation. You must have heard many people say that such and such person sweated to do such and such work.

But if we are asked why it is perspiration then only a few people can answer this question. So let's examine the question today why people sweat. Apart from this, we will also see some questions related to this.

How sweat comes 

When our body is warmer than its normal temperature for some reason, we sweat because of what our brain does to bring it to normal temperature. This heat inside us can be due to exercise, overwork, or outside heat. In such a situation our brain reacts and releases water throughout the body through millions of Eccrine glands so that our body temperature can be lowered, to be normal. 

Different glands of sweat in certain organs 

At the same time, if the effect of heat persists, instead of heating the body, the sweat becomes hot and evaporates, causing the body to lose heat. But sweating is usually more in some of our special organs like the Armpit etc. Here the apocrine glands produce sweat and here also a bacteria is formed which causes the smell of sweat to interact with sweat. 

Sweat doesn't always smell 

Like the apocrine glands, the apocrine glands are also active during exercise. But the apocrine glands are active even when we are in an emotional, restless or excited mental state. This means that the sweat coming from physical hard work does not smell as much as the sweat due to restlessness or excitement. 

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Sickness related to sweating 

Many times, sweating is also related to some diseases, it is said that sweating comes a lot due to heart problems, but there can be other reasons for this. Unusual sweating may be a sign that you now need to see a doctor. Along with this, other symptoms will also help the doctor to understand the right problem. 

Do different people sweat differently? 

It depends on many factors. But it is absolutely true that different people sweat in different or different amounts. For example, overweight and obese people sweat more.

Apart from this, there are many factors like age, amount of muscles in the body, health reasons, and fitness level due to which the amount of sweating is found different in people. 

Decent sweating is a good thing and the smell that causes sweat is not caused by bacteria interacting with sweat, and this smell is especially caused in places like armpits.

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