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Now Hacking Via Bluetooth Technology Arrives In Devices
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Bluetooth has become an essential part of our devices nowadays. This helps the device stay wirelessly connected and transfer data, but a very shocking case has come out of the CNET report this week. It has been learned that millions of Bluetooth sported devices are in great danger. The report talks about Bluetooth, a new flaw affecting devices.
Due to this problem, the attacker can access the security keys (security keys) between the two Bluetooth devices.
After doing so, he connects the Bluetooth device around him. This problem has been reported by Cross-Transport Key Derivation (CTKD) and the component setting the authentication-key between the two devices is to blame.
With the help of the Devices Authentication-key, devices can decide which Bluetooth standard they want to connect to. At the same time, attackers with Bluetooth can control CTKD by taking advantage of the drawback. After this, attackers can also weaken the encryption between two devices by overwriting the authentication-key.
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After this, malicious data can be sent to the targeted device with the help of Bluetooth and the data transmitting between the two devices can also be accessed.
If people talk, who will be affected by this flaw? The report says that devices that support Bluetooth 4.0 and Bluetooth 5.0 are a big danger. After this, a built-in safety mechanism has been given in 5.1 standards, which removes this flaw.
However, the problem is that so far no information has been given to the manufacturers from the manufacturers, and there is still a security patch rollout to fix this issue.
Many users have talked about the problems coming with Bluetooth connectivity on OnePlus Nord. It has been told that the phone is automatically disconnected from the pair of devices without any warning.
Also, it was also told that the device is automatically connecting to an unstable connection. Because of this, they are having trouble listening to music and transferring files. But keeping this matter in mind, OnePlus has introduced a new update, so that it can be fixed.

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