Universe Is Too Thin Beyond Our Imagination


Universe Is Too Thin Beyond Our Imagination

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Everyone knows that scientists are unanimous that the Universe is spreading. An almost acceptable explanation has also been made about this spread. But even then, there are many questions related to it, which try to change many old assumptions. New studies related to the universe have revealed that he is thinner than expected.

According to this study, as astronomers are expecting, galaxies, gases and other substances are not spreading that way. Scientists have reached this conclusion after studying data for seven years. Earlier some studies had made similar gestures, but recent studies have established this observation strongly. 

Scientists first discovered that the universe is expanding at a much faster rate than expected. They also had an assessment of how fast the universe was spreading based on the very old light of the universe. But the modern universe has kept them startling by spreading more rapidly. 

These two issues have put a question mark on the established standard model of cosmology. When the bodies were not connected together, cosmologist Michael Hudson of the University of Waterloo in Canada stated its importance, saying, "If the conference had been taking place, these same results would have been discussed during coffee." 

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The technique used for the results related to this study is very advanced. When light comes from distant galaxies towards the Earth, it has to pass through areas of gas and dark matter. During this time, these areas try to distort the light by pulling towards it. Due to this, there are many types of turns in the straight line of light which can be called a kind of lump. 

When this light reaches the earth, it is distorted or distorted. It can also be squeezed. Scientists try to measure this distortion so that they can know about the distortions of the galaxy's shapes and through this they can make a map of the dark matter that is not visible. 

The members of the Kilo Degree Survey or KiDS Astronomical Survey have observed 31 lakh galaxies, many of which are 10 billion light-years away. With the help of this data, the average distribution of hidden gas and dark matter in the universe was also calculated.

This showed that the Galaxy and other bodies are collectively 10 percent thinner. This is contrary to expectation. Prior to this, the prediction of cosmic bodies together was based on the established model called Lambda Cold Dark Matter. 

Marika Asgari, a member of the KiDS, who works as a cosmologist at Edinburgh University, says that this astronomical tension is at a very low level, but it is also very surprising, strange, and fascinating.

Not only this, but other studies also seem to support these results. Scientists are finding this a worrying matter. Many types of research have shown that the universe is not the same, but many areas are empty in it, then there is dense dark matter in many which affect the surrounding bodies with their gravity. Due to this irregularity or inequality, about a dozen surveys in the last eight years are also saying that the universe is thinner than expected.

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