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The Essence Of Literacy
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Literacy means the ability to read and write, whereas a lack of knowledge of letters is called illiteracy. The old times were simple and lucid. Then neither life was so dynamic nor the means of living so complicated. The needs were very limited. The person used to sleep peacefully after working day to evening.
Now desires and aspirations have challenged the boundaries of the sky. In such a situation, a person being deprived of reading and writing is a blessing. The illiterate person will neither be able to walk with the sharp rupture era nor will the range of his thinking be wide.
Literacy is the basic mantra of human progress and development. If an illiterate and illiterate person cannot do his own good, then what will be the work of society and nation. Before attaining independence, our country had a large number of illiterate people in its population. But today, due to the untiring efforts of the government, the society is moving towards the goal of educating every person.
Education is being spread from house to house and village to village so that the intellectual level of every person is improved. That thumb cannot be imprinted, no thug can make it. People of every class consider their good to be evil and take decisions with proper understanding in their daily routine. May his vision be expanded. May he be freed from superstitions and exploitation.
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If education is a boon, illiteracy is a blessing. Today, the goal of 100 percent literacy has been achieved in many states of our country by encouraging mobile schools, free education, adult education and women education. But much more needs to be done in this area right now. How important will be the day when every Indian is educated. We all should cooperate fully in this direction.
Today it has become mandatory for a person to be literate. Illiteracy has become a peril. So nowadays everyone wants to read and write. Efforts are being made by the government and society to make every citizen of the country literate.
For this, schools have been opened in all places. Campaigns have been launched to make every child literate. Public participation in this noble cause is necessary. If every citizen of India becomes literate in the twenty-first century, it will be our great achievement.
Every Indian should literate because this is the primary condition of getting the main objective of getting "educated" done. With the commencement of NEP (National Education Policy 2020) we can surely see a revolution taking place towards making children as well adults literate in order to make them educate thus make India educated.

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