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Secularism Killed In Turkey
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Do you know about the great monument whose name is Hagia Sophia which is situated in Turkey? Well, it is recently been in the news for some mixed reactions reason. The once church then turned into a museum has finally Islamised into a mosque in the name of Allah the almighty.
There is no problem in it even though the so-called fabric of selective secularism is killed in this Turkish nation. You should know that it is the only Muslim majority nation in the whole European continent.
Thanks to the Erdogan regime we can finally an old church changed into a mosque and even Catholic Christianity head Pope Francis has nothing to say on that. Who can challenge the Turkish regime after it has successfully damaged a failed coup attempt just by crushing the independent media working there to do reporting for the world as to what's going on there?
Secularism is termed as the ideological system where the recognition and respect of all the religions are maintained. Now, this is the Indian system which is contrary to the western system of having the separation of church from that of the state.
Turkey has even gone ahead to support Pakistan just to fulfill the dream of Ghazwa-E-Hind which is a reverie of capturing India and forming an Islamic caliphate (Islamic state) there. Quite interesting! but they have not decided yet whether it will be Turkish or Pakistani. Well, do we even know what is Pakistani? As Pakistan is just an acronym for a separated state where different ethnicities consisting of Punjabis, Balochs, Sindhis, Pakhtuns, Pathans, etc reside.
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Now it is simply an act of Islamic oppression just because you have the majority of the population of one religion. Where was the so-called secular lobby around the globe which foul cry for human eater Rohingya Muslims whereas the Uighur Muslims are the real tortured section of the international Muslim community for which no one talks on the international podium because they lack the courage to walk the talk against the communist regime of China.
Why would they even dare to talk about their own evil bosses who eat dogs and cats just for fun. They are paid by them plus the Chinese government generated coronavirus and since then have been on the radar of every nation but yet it is so strong that it's power would not be diminishing very soon.
Hagia Sophia was built by the Roman emperor Justinian I around 537 CE and since then it was a church until the year 1453 when it was turned into a mosque once again after the fall of Constantinople to the Ottoman Empire and till 1931 (even after fall of Ottoman Empire) it was turned into a museum when there was 'secular' Republic of Turkey.
Now after July 2020 decree the monument status was removed and for the second time, it was redesigned into a grand mosque of Islam which has invited worldwide condemnation by UNESCO, World Council of Churches and many nations.
But who cares? nobody would challenge it or attack this authoritarian state even though secularism is killed in Turkey and the laughing part is they called PM Narendra Modi the fascist head of state of India even though Ram Mandir is built by Supreme Court's order and not just any decree.

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