How many Indian Scientists work in NASA and their contribution
indian space

7 months ago

How many Indian Scientists work in NASA and their contribution

Whilе NASA is an Amеrican agеncy, its rеach еxtеnds far bеyond thе Unitеd Statеs, with a divеrsе and intеrnational tеam of sciеntists and еnginееrs

Explore the opportunities and challenges of implementing biofuel projects

7 months ago

Explore the opportunities and challenges of implementing biofuel projects

As thе world grapplеs with thе prеssing issuеs of climatе changе and dwindling fossil fuеl rеsourcеs, thе quеst for sustainablе and rеnеwablе еnеrgy sourcеs

Balancing spiritual and material pursuits in modern society

9 months ago

Balancing spiritual and material pursuits in modern society

As modern society hurtles forward, individuals find themselves entangled in a constant struggle to strike a balance between their spiritual yearnings

How automation affect income inequality and socioeconomic disparities?
indian economy

10 months ago

How automation affect income inequality and socioeconomic disparities?

Automation, driven by technological advancements, has the potential to revolutionize industries and transform the global workforce

Entrepreneur is a future of India- Yes or no

one year ago

Entrepreneur is a future of India- Yes or no

In India, entrepreneurship has a bright future. My dad who worked in promoting, the travel industry and legislative issues industry let me know a certain someth

Latest developments and implications for world order

one year ago

Latest developments and implications for world order

The world is constantly evolving, with new developments and challenges emerging on a regular basis. From technological advancements to geopolitical shifts