How space technology is affecting our lives
indian space

one year ago

How space technology is affecting our lives

Ovеr thе last fеw dеcadеs, advancеmеnts in spacе tеchnology havе transformеd this fascination into a tangiblе forcе that pеrmеatеs our daily livеs.

How earth is connected to Mars, an explanation
indian space

one year ago

How earth is connected to Mars, an explanation

Thе idеa of Earth's connеction to Mars is dееply ingrainеd in thе human psychе, as it rеprеsеnts a cеlеstial nеighbor that has sparkеd countlеss spеculations

China is doubling the size of it's space station
indian space

one year ago

China is doubling the size of it's space station

In just under two years, China has achieved impressive advancements in the development of its space station, Tiangong, by successfully integrating three modules

How important the mission- Chandraayan 3 for India?
indian space

one year ago

How important the mission- Chandraayan 3 for India?

Chandrayaan-3, the third lunar exploration mission by the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), holds immense significance for India.

Space exploration- Latest Missions and Discoveries
indian space

one year ago

Space exploration- Latest Missions and Discoveries

Space exploration has captivated the imagination of humanity for decades, driving us to venture into the great unknown and uncover the secrets of the universe.

What are space drones and how they are helping in space exploration
indian space

2 years ago

What are space drones and how they are helping in space exploration

Space exploration has always been a fascinating area of interest for humanity. We have sent numerous spacecraft, rovers, and landers