All you need to know about Domestic Violence
social issues

6 years ago

All you need to know about Domestic Violence

The in-laws used to force me for too much household work that nails of my hands fell down, the husband grabbed the hair of my head in the greed of mo

Gender Inequality still one of the major flaw in our society...!
social issues

6 years ago

Gender Inequality still one of the major flaw in our society...!

For a long time, it was trusted that the distinctive attributes, parts, and status concurred to ladies and men in the public eye are controlled by se

Education, grades, society and peer

6 years ago

Education, grades, society and peer

All my school life, I have recursively been informed that "if you won’t study, you won't survive", and I can wager that greater part of understudies

Rights which women are empower with…!
Rights which women are empower with…!

Starting off with few of the burning facts… People count on the so-called “Society”, so from where this society actually comes from… Well, what I bel