How one can get rid of the boundaries created by himself

7 months ago

How one can get rid of the boundaries created by himself

Lifе is a complеx journеy fillеd with opportunitiеs and challеngеs, and onе's pеrcеption of thеsе еxpеriеncеs oftеn shapеs thеir rеality.

MIT vs IIT- Which one is better?

9 months ago

MIT vs IIT- Which one is better?

In the realm of higher education, two names stand out as a technological and scientific innovation- the MIT in the United States and the IIT in India

How self realization is more important than other's opinion
positive attitude

11 months ago

How self realization is more important than other's opinion

In today's society, we often find ourselves seeking validation from others. We place significant importance on the opinions and judgements of those around us.