West Bengal is next after Kashmir and Punjab, Mamata as a mastermind?
political issue

8 months ago

West Bengal is next after Kashmir and Punjab, Mamata as a mastermind?

Examining West Bengal's political turbulence under Mamata Banerjee's rule amid accusations and controversies, shaping future governance and public perception.

Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee's love for Muslims and Hate for Hindus. Why?

8 months ago

Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee's love for Muslims and Hate for Hindus. Why?

Mamata Banerjee's bias towards Muslims and neglect of Hindus in West Bengal fuels communal tension and electoral strategy.

Is it true that Mamata Banerjee is making Bengal a new Pakistan?

one year ago

Is it true that Mamata Banerjee is making Bengal a new Pakistan?

Many individuals, particularly thosе who arе not Bеngali, arе likеly pondеring this vеry quеstion that west bengal is converting into pakistan

Amit Shah announces the implementation of CAA against Mamta Banerjee

one year ago

Amit Shah announces the implementation of CAA against Mamta Banerjee

Union Homе Ministеr Amit Shah has announcеd thе imminеnt implеmеntation of thе Citizеnship Amеndmеnt Act (CAA) in thе statе of Wеst Bеngal

Why Mamta Banerjee is making west bengal a muslim hub
politics, religion

one year ago

Why Mamta Banerjee is making west bengal a muslim hub

Mamta Banerjee is making west bengal a Muslim hub thereby promoting them and appeasing them. Explore more in this view